[hr] [center][h2]Clarimonde Sauerstein[/h2] [sub]Slave Auction in Venedig, Ports Destroyed, Three Separate City Powers Involved[/sub][/center] [hr] [@Stitches][@Letter Bee][@Rex][@Tyki] The day had been a long one. This morning the former Lady Clarimonde Sauerstein had woken from a stone floor behind iron bars, stripped naked, covered in blood, treated like a damsel in distress by a common shopkeep, and approached by an undead mage who wanted to impregnate her. She had dealt with enough today. As her attempts as diplomacy failed, magic flying around the courtyard with her own body hidden behind floating rubble, Clarimonde glanced at the runes on her manacles. Earlier in the day, they had been all there was to occupy her, and now her studies would pay off. The interesting thing about runes was that structure was vitally important in shaping their properties, enchantments they form, and effects they weave in the grand scheme of the tapestry of magic. As a result, when the runes start to decay or are struck asunder, the enchantments tend to fade. Ordinarily, this is not an issue, as any guard worth their salt will keep an eye on the mage in the group. She had started this morning surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. Now, however, she was hidden behind debris and focused like she had rarely done before in her life. Though the manacles were solidly binding, they weren't quite foolproof, and Clarimonde was well aware that everyone in this situation had been playing the fool lately. Closing her eyes and focusing back on the rudimentary basics of magic, she pushed through the Mind enchantment of the manacles and gradually formed a bone saw, sweat dripping from her brow from focus. Finishing the single, small construct, she prayed to all gods she had ever known that her magic would be stronger than the steel holding her, panting with the effort it took to maintain the tool under the manacles' runes. She hacked at the runes fervently, knowing that right now the only thing standing between her kidnapping and subsequent rape and murder was a quick response. If she could push through the enchantment, the saw would function even more swiftly, meaning she could just... break... free... There was a clank as the manacles fell, the high and mind magic which previously suffused the cuffs dispersing into the field around them. This? This, she could work with. Casting a Lesser Ward upon herself and her would-be rescuer, she privately hoped it would be enough as she felt the buoying effect of the lich's World spell lessen, slowly drifting towards the ground. She was careful to keep the field of debris between the lich and herself, hoping to stay out of his line of sight as she loosed several more wards towards Lady Vespid's avatar, a few of the Jagers, Siegmu- ...Lord Siegmund Holderlin. He had known her father before the rebellion, from her understanding working together rather closely. Not that he had vouched for House Sauerstein after the Rebellion. She was sure he would do just fine without her wards. Having thrown out some utility onto the battlefield, Clarimonde tried to stay low, hoping that these issues could be resolved soon as she searched for somewhere to hunker down out of the line of fire.