As he walked, the cloaked figure got a few nervous looks. Other looks were just looks that had seen this type of thing before. Nonetheless, James continued to walk. As far as he was concerned, he wasn't causing any trouble. He was only hiding his true self from the town. James walked to a stall, and asked for a drink. He was given a single glass of orange, which he payed for and walked away with. He drank it quickly in an alley where he wasn't seen, and tossed it away and into a bin. Wondering where he should go next, he started to walk around the port, watching fishermen get their catches. It was quite peaceful, but it did nothing to stop what was slowly taking over him. Boredom. James walked to a nearby inn and sat at a table in the corner, by himself. His eyes looked through his mask, and his tail swished beneath the confines of his cloak, as he took a long look around.