At Shikamaru's comment, she gave a weak but still guilty smile. [b][color=darksalmon]"S-sorry, I don't really know that much about you...except what Ino tells me."[/color][/b] She was regretting the choice to abruptly tell Ino when perhaps, she and Shikamaru would have benefited from a few hours, at least, of getting to know one another. Ino would likely see through their ruse if they weren't careful. Shikamaru went on to explain what sort of food they could enjoy, though Sakura was hardly a picky eater and would have been content with barbecue. Nodding slightly, she loosened her grip around his arm. His gesture of actually following through and taking her out, was kind and though he was right about her sticking her neck out for him, she considered the cause being love, to be worth the trouble. If Ino would be happy with Shikamaru, she would do this favor for them both and in a few weeks, it would likely be done and over with, if Ino fell into their trap. [b][color=darksalmon]"I suppose, though I don't know if she'll even remember recommending us a place but I'll bring it up next time I see her and see what her reaction is."[/color][/b] Sakura replied after careful consideration, not sure of the inner workings of Ino's mind. Even Sakura couldn't read her moods perfectly but she was sure Ino had taken notice to Shikamaru, which was what they wanted. Upon arriving at the restaurant, Sakura saw it was nice and could see why Ino had her eye on it. The pair were seated by the window and handed menus. Sakura took hers and opened it up. Although she had been told she could order whatever she wanted, she would try to pick something modestly priced, not wanting to take advantage of his generosity. Before her eyes could wander further down the selection, Shikamaru spoke up prompting her to blush slightly, caught off guard by his blunt observation. [b][color=darksalmon]"You know...Sasuke wasn't much of a talker either. Naruto did most of the talking in our team."[/color][/b] She explained. [b][color=darksalmon]"While I do appreciate the tactic, I can't pretend you're Sasuke, even if you both share a few commonalities."[/color][/b] She said gently. [b][color=darksalmon]"All I know is what I read about in romance novels...not the ones Kakashi Sensei reads! I just...I think we should try and find what feels natural to us. We're both out of our depth."[/color][/b] She considered as she glanced down at the menu and saw there was a stew with vegetables and noodles and slices of pork that was reasonably priced. [b][color=darksalmon]"Ino won't expect a whole lot from us but she will want to know everything."[/color][/b] She warned, Of course they still needed to practice being a couple, which would not be easy. Sakura looked to the woman who returned to take their order. Sakura gave hers, as did Shikamaru and then they were alone. Reaching over, Sakura laced her fingers with Shikmaru's as their palms rested on the table. [b][color=darksalmon]"I think couples listen to each other and care about the other's feelings and comfort, act intuitive and foresee the other's needs. I think that means if it's cold, I could bring a scarf for you? Or if I'm working, you bring me lunch?"[/color][/b] Sakura still wasn't sure, only speculating, knowing they'd both need to think about it. Sakura looked to Shikamaru and then to their hands, unsure if that felt natural or not. [b][color=darksalmon]"What if I was Ino?"[/color][/b] She asked in return, wondering what sort of thoughts he had on the matter. But like she pointed out, it was hard to replace someone with another, even with an imagination. [i][color=darksalmon]'I don't think Sasuke would take me to a place like this, I don't he'd care one way or another.'[/color][/i] She thought to herself, frowning slightly, recalling how vapid her previous daydreams were.