Got most of my stuff down, I'll prob fix up some more later. [hider=Light] [centre][color=00aeef][h1][b]Light[/b][/h1] [b][h2]General information[/h2][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Light Void [b]Nick-Names:[/b]N/A [b]Alias[/b]: Toon Girl or Light [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Hero for Fun [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] The Void [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Date Of Birth:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance - Human :[/b] Light is a 1.8m tall pure white humanoid figure with a thin pear shaped frame. She has an overly large spherical head with short blue hair, no visible nose, very large black and yellow eyes, fin-looking ears, serrated beartrap like teeth, and an incredibly thin neck. She wears a blue tanktop with skinny biceps leading to larger forarms which flow into her nearly cartoonishly big hands which have pointed fingers. She has wide hips, which look even bigger due to the thin short white dress like thing she has which covers her back down to her lower knees and covers her front down to her kneecaps, with the front having an M cut taken out of it. Her legs look normal, short of her having no feet and instead her lower leg ends at a sharp point where her feet would be. [b][h2]Relationship information[/h2][/b] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Sexuality[/b]: Bi [b]Partner[/b]: N/A [b]Father[/b]: N/A [b]Mother[/b]: N/A [b]Siblings[/b]: N/A [b]Pet[/b]s: N/A [b][h2]Personal information[/h2][/b] [b]Likes and Dislikes[/b] ✔ Food, Fun, and Friends. ✘ People that take away the freedoms of other people. Ropes. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Games, some of the video kind Trying various foods Anything she finds interesting [b]Strengths:[/b] ⚜ Very good in most combat situations. ⚜ Doesn't have much in the way of fear when approaching a social situation, even if she isn't the best at continuing said situation. ⚜ Genre Savvy intellect makes her very good at predicting what will happen or convincing someone to do something. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] ☠ Extremely easy to distract and has a very poor judgement of danger. She also rarely fights enemies seriously and would rather just chat or play games if she can help it. ☠ While she is strong, shes not very fast or well trained in martial arts, and she takes more damage from attacks than a normal person would. She also can't break herself free of binds in a reasonable timeframe without help. ☠ She is very difficult to read for both her friends and enemies, and doesn't act 'normal' in most social situations. Add in how merely touching her feels 'creepy', making her have a hard time making relationships. ☠ Her luck is abysmal. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Even though Light was someone from the Void, the world she found herself in was fairly accepting of the strange. This was probably due to all the heroes running around, and the hero school itself which she found herself enrolled in after some investigation as to how this world worked. Being a hero was much more fun than a villain, and it came with many more freedoms! [b][h2]Powers and Abilities[/h2][/b] [hider=Powers] [b]Void Bound:[/b] Light is bound to the Void instead of reality. This makes Reality see her as 'empty' and grants her various beneficial and harmful abilities. [list] [*] Light is highly resistant to small scale reality warping attacks or ones that affect her directly. [*] Light is highly resistant to time altering attacks, as in when time is altered, if she is damaged by who is altering time, she will attune herself to their timeline for a little while. [*] Light is immune to soul based magic, as hers is in the Void. Likewise there is only ever 1 'copy' of Light active at a time, any other 'Lights' Light would run into are either her past or future selves. [*] Light is unaffected by enchantments or spells that don't directly target her, even if they're beneficial. Of course this also means she can pick up enchanted items even if she 'Isn't the chosen one', though she gains no benefits from them. [*] Light experiences slightly different physics than everyone else. Anyone who sees this says she kinda looks 'cartoonish' with how she seems to be made out of rubber, gravity affects her a bit differently, and holes tend to be in her exact body shape when she crashes through stuff and the like. Oh, and she tend to squeak if squished like a chew toy. [*] Any attacks from reality affect her more than normal. Especially being bound or tied up by it. Drugs and Chemicals also have a drastically increased effect on her. [*] Light is extremely unlucky. We're talking so unlucky that it might as well be comedy at how bad it can be. [/list] [b]Void Energy:[/b] Since Light is bound to the Void, her life energy is replaced by Void energy. Void energy leaves a signal of 'emptiness' making scanning for her a bit different. if anything attempts to absorb Light's energy, they will instead lose their own energy at the absorption rate and be afflicted by a much more severe version of Reality Siphon. Anything that 'phases' through her will be affected by Reality Siphon. Void Energy reacts strangely with magic, effectively giving Light some magic resistance. Any clones of Light will not last long as they have no link to the Void. Void beings are immune to the effects of Void energy. [b]Regeneration:[/b] If an attack doesn't atomize Light, Light will fully regenerate from it after a short while. It doesn't matter what the injury was, even nasty ones such as having her mind shattered aren't permanent. The only way to stop her from doing this is to wipe her out entirely. She will regenerate from her body or head, or if that is unavailable, from the biggest piece of herself. She can still manipulate severed limbs for a short time after losing them unless they are severed using chemicals or she herself is bound. Afflictions that are non damaging take much longer to regenerate from. She doesn't age, nor does she bleed, and has amazing stamina. If Light is depressed, Regeneration happens at a much slower rate. [b]Super Strength:[/b] Light has enhanced strength that is tied to her emotions or determination. While she can lift quite a bit when in a neutral or happy state, she is weaker than a normal human when sad or bound by an object of reality. Since Light rarely gets angry, its unknown how strong she can become. [b]Adaptive Resilience:[/b] Upon taking damage from an attack, Light gain resistances to whatever hurt her, and with enough damage, can become immune to attacks of that type. Physical attacks take a long while to gain resistances for and Light can only gain a partial resistance to Drug and Chemical based attacks. If Light doesn't regenerate from a certain attack type after awhile, she will lose all resistances she built up against that damage type. Light's body will subtly morph to show what she is resistant to. Attacks that do no damage don't contribute to Light's resistance. Light adapts quickly to surrounding terrain if its harmful to her, and will keep these adaptations until she leaves that terrain for a short time. [b]Reality Siphon:[/b] Since Light is from the Void, she steals the reality of the physical world. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost, which is even faster for living things. If an object or enemy loses all of its reality, it fades into the Void, although beings with life energy take quite awhile to fade. Reality warping beings have a minor resistance to this ability and massive or cosmic entities have a massive resistance to this ability. Void beings are completely immune. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. [b]Pocket Space:[/b] Light can store objects inside a space inside her dress she calls 'pocket space'. Only inanimate objects can be stored here, and she can only store things that add up to thrice her size in total. [b]Portable Hole:[/b] Light can punch small personal wormholes and use them to teleport to any place in her sights or an extremely familiar place such as a base, an exit hole appearing at the spot she wants to teleport to. Should this exit hole not be placed on a solid object, Light will have a notable delay before she comes out of it. Only Light, things she wears, and objects stored in her pocket space can travel through these holes. These holes stay open for only a brief time. [b]Natural Weapons[/b]: Light's fingers end at sharp points that let her slash things. She likewise has sharp teeth much like a bear trap or shark and feet that come to very sharp points she can use. Since her feet are so sharp, she has to step delicately or leave little holes wherever she walks, and has a hard time maneuvering on non solid surfaces like snow, sand, mud, ext... And since she can't press down hard on most surfaces, she can't really use her super strength to run fast or leap great distances in most circumstances. [/hider] [b][h2]other information[/h2][/b] [b]Other:[/b] She really likes food and can eat a lot. You wouldn't think so with her frame though. [b][h2]Theme Song[/h2][/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [/color][/centre] [/hider]