A smirk appeared on Yami's face when he noticed that Pegasus was becoming more confident than him. This he figured he would use in his favor for he could feel something about this card that would turn it around. He was sure of it. When he declared the face down card that he found to be Sun-Shower, Yami knew this next theory was working. He tricked him by thinking about a card he should play but played him. "You see Pegasus, you think I wouldnt get what you are up to, but it seemed you have fallen and I have faith in my deck. And my faith rewards me!" The Spirit turned over the face down. "The Dark Magician!" Revealing the said card, the Master Magician appearing and stood stoically an proud as a creature of magic. "Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!" Raising a hand, The Magician aimed it to the Dragon Piper of which was then shattered and the Dragon Jar and Kourmori Dragon vanished.