"What!?", Pegasus was left aghast at his mistake. [i]'So he found a way around the Millenium Eye's power. We'll see about that'[/i], he thought with a sneer, as his life points dropped from 2000 to 1200. Groaning in frustration, he played his next card. "I summon Illusionist Faceless Mage (1200 ATK/2200 DEF) in Attack Mode!", he declared. "I then activate Eye of Illusion; with it, I equip the Mage. Go! Attack Dark Magician!", it attacks Yami's Magician but destroys itself. However, he didn't tell Yugi about the Eye of Illusion equipping itself to Dark Magician, giving him control over its being. [i]'Yami, something's not right about this attack'[/i], the genie told him.