Huge fan of the Fate series, thought I'd give this a shot. I've never been in a Fate RP before, I've watched /Stay Night, /Zero, Unlimited Blade Works, and the /Grand Order movie, so hopefully I didn't make this guy over powered. Feel free to give me any improvements, nerfs, or corrections I need to make. Oh, yeah, here's a Master, too. [hider=Master] [b]Name:[/b] Hiroshi Yagyu [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Hiroshi is kind, shy, and a little awkward in social situations. He has terrible luck with women, which is to say he can barely muster up the courage to speak to them, and is accomodating to a fault. However, he can also be extremely serious, cold, and distant. That part of him is caused by his family and upbringing. He has a strong dislike for most of his family, especially his father, the only exception being his younger sister, Saechi. [b]Abilities:[/b] As the rightful future head of the prestigious Yagyu clan, Hiroshi is quite adept at Japanese sword play, both Kendo and Iaido. The family's magecraft is simple reinforcement, used on their bodies and blades. However, in an attempt to distance himself from his family, Hiroshi has taken up the study of Conversion of Power and Jewel Magecraft. He uses stones in place of jewels, and is still quite a novice with them. He can turn stones into small explosives at best. [b]History:[/b] Hiroshi is the eldest son of Itten Yagyu, current head of the Yagyu clan. The name Yagyu dates back to 1565, when Yagyu Munetoshi took over the Shinkage-ryu school of swordplay. The Yagyu family has produced capable swordsmen, samurai, and magi throughout history, and the family has the pride to show for it. As a child, Hiroshi accepted this completely. He was proud. He knew he was better than most of the kids in his class. However, that changed when his father came home one day and found Hiroshi playing with his bestfriend at the time in the family complex. Itten unceremoniously threw the young boy from their home and beat Hiroshi for bringing such "low-blooded trash" to their family's home. It was then that the seed of resentment was planted within Hiroshi. He began to notice things. The apathy between his parents, so distant toward one another even a child could tell there was no love there. Their treatment of the maids and butlers, which could be described as disintrested at best, degrading and demoralizing at worst. The last straw was their treatment of his sister, holding her to the same impossible standard they had held him to. He'd had enough. After a shouting match with his father that came to blows, Hiroshi revealed that he'd surpassed Itten some years ago. He left his father bruised and bloodied on the ground, but ultimately uninjured, and took his sister away. He emptied out his bank account before his parents could freeze it and bought a small apartment for the two of them to live in. They have been there since, with Saechi going to school and Hiroshi working various oddjobs to supplement his funds. [b]Other:[/b] Saechi and Hiroshi share a favorite subject: history. [/hider] [hider=Servant] [b]Name:[/b] Emperor Jimmu [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*][b]Strength:[/b] C [*][b]Endurance:[/b] B [*][b]Agility:[/b] C [*][b]Mana:[/b] A [*][b]Luck:[/b] D [*][b]Independant Action:[/b] B. Emperor Jimmu is just that, an Emperor. After the death of his older brother, long before he was emperor of anything, he led his people on expeditions and through battles. He is a man who became used to surviving with little aid from outside sources, able to fend for not only himself, but his men. [*][b]Magic Resistance:[/b] B. Jimmu's high amount of Divinity affords him good protection from magic. [*][b]Divinity:[/b] A+. Jimmu is the direct descendant of not just one, but two gods, Amaterasu and Susanowo. After his death he was worshiped as more than a hero in modern Japan, but as a God Incarnate Emperor, or [i]akitsumikami[/i]. [*][b]Yatagarasu:[/b] C. Often taking perch atop the Emperor's emblematic long bow is a three-legged crow named Yatagarasu. The crow is a symbol of divine intervention and holy guidance. Jimmu can send it out to scout, and it will relay information back to him. He may also share sight with it, but cannot move while doing so, and must be meditating. [*][b]Tonbo no Yujin (Friend of the Dragonflies):[/b] D. As a God Incarnate Emperor, Jimmu has an uncanny relationship with dragonflies. In his legend, whenever mosquitos tried to drink his blood, the dragonflies would kill them. Jimmu can send out to his dragonflies to attack insects for him. He can also command them to suck poisons out of a target and take it into themselves. If his dragonflies are killed, he must meditate for six hours to summon them back to him.[/list] [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] [list][*][b]Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (D):[/b] (Anti-Unit) One of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan, said to be passed down to Jimmu by the gods as the first Emperor of Japan, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi is a legendary and powerful sword, used by the god Susanowo to slay Yamata-no-Orochi, the eight-headed demon serpent. This weapon deals incredible damage to demonic beings and heroes who were noted as demonic or monstrous in their legends, but cannot cut anything else. [*][b]Yata-no-Kagami (D):[/b] (Barrier) Another of the Three Imperial Regalia, it is a circular mirror Jimmu wears on his wrist like a shield. Illusions are not reflected in the mirror, which helps reveal them to the wielder. [*][b]Yasaka-no-Magatama (A):[/b] (Anti-Army) The final of the Three Imperial Regalia, and Jimmu's trump card. The magatama were Amaterasu's favorite jewel, and were once used to lure her out of a cave and return the sun to the sky. Her blessing resides in Jimmu's magatama, which he can conjure a single magical arrow from, with the jewel as the head. When Jimmu lets this arrow fly, it bursts into sunlight flames, able to take out scores of enemies with its mighty blaze.[/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Jimmu is kind, passionate, loyal, protective, all the qualities necessary to be a legendary leader of the people. He was almost like a father to his followers, but did not let his kindness get in the way of his duty. He knew the path to leading Japan to a prosperous future was a long one, and the tribal leaders battled him every step of the way. But in addition to being a great leader, Jimmu was also a warrior, one without equal in Japan during that time. [b]Other:[/b] N/A [/hider]