Here is a changed version Name: Vivian Velvet Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Desire: Vivian desires for the world to be free and that people are allowed to have desires and allowed to do what they want and not just be puppets for the angels. Ability: Her ability comes in the form of music, She is a amazing instrumentalist and can play any instrument with perfection, She can also use the power of music to summon Fireballs, Ice spikes and Electricity, She can use her power to control a single person, when she just learns her power she'll be able to do small things like shoot small icicles and convince people to hit themselves in the face, but at her maximum strengh she can easily raze a House or drive a single person into insanity. She is also immune to all magic that relies on sound, as she is deaf. Weapon: A Steel Violin Personality: Vivian is very pessimistic and cynical, She tends to be very pragmatic and down to earth. if this hasn't convinced you yet she is a massive debbie downer, though she isn't border-line depressed all the time, sometimes she can be kind and empathetic. Vivian hates the Angels for the control they have over humanity, She believes that humans aren't happy unless they are truly free. If this was dnd she'd be Chaotic Good. Backstory: Vivian used to be the exact opposite of what her personality says, she was stupidly optimistic, She was born to a relatively poor family who also shared her optimism. she absolutely hated music and wanted to be a archaeologist. life was perfect for her until one day, while her parents were driving her to school, but her parents crashed into a truck and they both died while Vivian lost her hearing, but however she was optimistic and didn't care at all, this was because of the angel's control over her. Later on after getting a foster family, she went on a field trip then upon getting her desires back, all the grief from her parents came back and she was rather sad, She quickly found out that she hates archaeology with a passion and loves music, especially the violin, but however because she is deaf she can never hear her own music. After Vivian found out the angels stolen all of her free-will, she vowed to free every last human being on earth.