[@Letter Bee] [@Overlord Thraka] [@Tyki] Watching the woman quickly escape thanks to an earthquake, Wukong too his leave as well. Ducking back down into the opposite alley, he quickly made his way towards the sounds of an explosion, and a billowing plume of smoke. He moved deftly, leaping over bits of broken building with agility and speed not natural to men. However, much to his surprise, something strange began happening as he took a running leap to get over a large stack of barrels. He started floating, the law of gravity being broken on him. Quickly diverting himself to avoid flying into the sky, Wukong, using his tail grabbed onto a bit of building and diverted himself, shortly before the hold broke due to his inertia. Naturally, to all those who were observant, they could see a strange monkey man fly into the air, heading towards a nearby building, the tallest in the market. Wukong quickly observed what was going on, seeing a group of creatures taking potshots at those who were floating in the air. Wukong, as he landed roughly against the side of the building knew he had to try to help, and he had an idea. Using the momentary force grounding him to the wall, the impact, he coiled his tail, and bent his knees. Aiming himself at who he could only assume to be the leader of this group, the impressive looking one talking, Wukong smirked, and launched himself forwards, shooting like an arrow towards this man. With his staff in his hands, he begun his swing early, hoping that he'd collide with the man. However, in this zero gravity environment, he miscalculated, and began to spin rapidly. Maybe people would look up. Maybe people would hear him before they saw him. Maybe the Lich would see him, and for a moment see an old hero he may of known coming at him. But one thing was certain. A very pissed monkey man was flying at him at high speeds, spinning like a top with his staff outstretched, ready to corkscrew his way into a bad situation.