[center][h1][color=orange]Tangerine[/color][/h1][img]http://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/girl-art-anime-demon-1130106.jpeg[/img][/center] Name : Tangerine Age : 16 Bio : Tangerine is definitely not of this world having traveled here from an alternate dimension after a mad science project in this universe cracked a rift through to her’s and snatched her away from her people about 4 years ago. She lists her age at 18 saying that among her people she has just entered that stage of her growth but that the two universal time coefficient don’t exactly match and it was the best she can estimate. In her former reality she was a slave / pet to a dark race she calls the Ree’ve whose mistress kept her as something akin to a drug source. Once Tangerine appeared on this world the Hero's who found her took her in and almost a year later set her up with a form of stipend for stranded aliens and told her to have a nice life. (Her senses are so sharp they suspected she was reading their thoughts when in fact she was hearing them speak in another room or smelling hints on them that either confirmed or disproved the truth of some of the things they told her) She has since that time drifted from safe space to safe space looking for some place where people might accept her as one of them. Biology Tangerine can’t utter a word because her race has gills in place of vocal cords (Amphibious) so she must use a form of limited telepathy which allows her to communicate with anyone she meets regardless of language. (Of course this makes most people uneasy because they believe this gives her the ability to read minds) This also means that she can survive underwater so long as it is fresh water as if she were in air. Tangerine’s Senses are Hyper-enhanced, her sense of smell could put a bloodhound or shark’s to shame, her eyes can out match the most powerful optics made by man in both Macro and Micro scales, she can read with her fingertips and sense earthquakes better than mankind's most sensitive instruments. She is able to list every chemical, bacteria, amoeba or substance in anything she tastes, she can hear into ranges no animal on earth can imagine or see into spectrums usually reserved for artificial devices and sources. Her horns are actually antene that her race uses to trade information about their world and to communicate over great distances. Using them to broadcast information is how Tangerine’s power works and they can either focus on a single target at a range of 1,000 meters or line of sight or over a broad area that encompasses anything in a radius of 50 meters. Powers Boost : With this power Tangerine links people into her sense sensitivity basically boosting their own beyond their ability to cope with the information they are receiving (candle = 10 million candles / snap of the fingers = 12 gage going off by your ear) It has a 1,000 meter range but is sight only and 1 target per or broadband 50 meter radius affecting everyone in that sphere. The result of an unfiltered link is sensory overload which acts to both stun and dull the targets senses for at least 15 seconds or in the worst case days. Enhanced senses : Tangerine can put any hunting animal to shame and sense things to faint for most tech to pick up. Speech : Tangerine doesn’t make sounds using her mind instead which confers a type of universal translation on her so that she can speak with whomever she wishes and understand them and they understand her. (Trouble is most people hear her in their heads and they freak out thinking she’s a full telepath and now stripping their minds for their secrets) Limited Telekinetic : Using this grants Tangerine a form of flight that she can use herself to fly at no better than 50 kph or swim through the water at the same speed or use to pick up an object in her sight which weighs no more than 7 kilos.