A horse drawn carriage cobbled past the city entrance and halted to a quick stop. A hairy, surly man holding the reigns whispered through his remaining teeth of their arrival, as a leather boot burst through the carriage's side door. The driver cursed about wood value while said boot dove out, dragging behind a skinny, cloaked young man with a big, fancy hat. This brunette boy carried a small side bag, and a small, sturdy case strapped to his back. For a moment he stood and took a breath, taking in all the surroundings. Particularly a beautiful set of pink flowers right beside the gate, one of which he plucks and places securely in his hat. The driver took an abacus out and started making calculations. "Alright so where's this Aunt that's gonna pay for your trip. That'll be-" The passenger turns his head towards the driver, takes in one breath, raises his finger, begins to speak his answer, aaaaaaand proceeds to bolt in to the city streets like his life depends on it. For all we know it might. The first test is whether that driver would even bother to run after him for the debt. And he would. Well surely this young man is much faster and agile than an old, geezer driver. And he is...for now. Next comes the real challenge, either losing him in distance or line of sight. Both should be easy in such a cramped and crowded city market. If only this kid would stop running away in a straight line! But yet another flower seems to have caught his eye, a young maiden walking through the city. The young man almost passes the girl immediately, slowing to a stop just past her and backing up in a jog to stand next to her. He reaches up to his hat, plucks the pink flower from it, and stands it up in front of the lady. He even gave a small bow, causing a yellow ring on a necklace to fall out of his shirt. Meanwhile the raging driver still closes in. [color=yellow]"A pretty flower for the pretty lady. Lorenzo Martine, at your service."[/color] Lorenzo looked up just in time to see the fuming driver just a few feet away. So he jumped away, barely escaping his vengeful clutches. With a wave goodbye he set out on his escape again, zig-zagging through stalls and people. After a few turns it looked like he finally lost the crazy fool. Lorenzo would honestly pay him back once he was able, he just wasn't able to afford it right now. And who's going to give you a ride across the country on an I.O.U. alone? Winded, hot, and sweaty, Lorenzo Martin found the one place in town that felt right at home. A small tavern with a good crowd. No shows would be happening anytime soon, but he was definitely going to scope out the joint. Maybe he should lay low till that driver stopped looking for him. [@Shaymin] [@Polaris North]