[hider=Eclipse] [color=PaleGoldenrod] Name:[/color] Apis Designation: Extraterrestrial tribe 647, source: BZ2418, vessel Id: 00B8 4A05 4FE5 03AA, name of corporation (see section 4E of Apis integration charter for the details of using existing corporate legal codes to induct tribes as the equivalent of individual humans for the purpose of taxation): Apis Research and Trading Tribe 128 [color=PaleGoldenrod] Known as: [/color] Eclipse [color=PaleGoldenrod] Species: [/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/avSh7Ax.png]Apis[/url] [color=PaleGoldenrod] Age: [/color] tribe has existed for 25 years [color=PaleGoldenrod] Vocation: [/color] trading, scavenging and robotic engineering. [color=PaleGoldenrod] Population: [/color] 140 members, collectively having a weight of 280 kg making them roughly the equivalent of 4 humans worth of biomass. [color=PaleGoldenrod] Fashion notes: [/color] The Apis of the Eclipse generally wear outfits like [url=https://i.imgur.com/riKvewZ.jpg]this[/url] but with the addition of a second set of sleeves and gaps in the back for their wings to extrude from. They sometimes wear hats or additional gear that indicate what information they hold. For example Tricorne hats are often worn by the ship’s bridge crew, the robot crews have pilot helmets, engineers wear welding goggles and wrist mounted computers etc. [color=PaleGoldenrod] History: [/color] ARTT 128 was one of the first byproducts of the massive increase in interest in extraterrestrial tribe creation by the Apis homeworld. Part of the first 200 extraterrestrial tribes formed and launched in retrofitted human spacecraft they were part of an experiment for seeing the results of long term absence from Apis collective and whether smaller ships where a viable species spreading method. The results of this experiment are currently inconclusive, as the small tribes have managed to survive the seclusion and still operate effectively but often develop quirks and eccentricities that might be considered unfavorable. While their survival has caused additional small ship based tribes to form spontaneously from the Apis whole, for the most part Apis expansion now makes use of specialised ark ships that often have permanent real time ftl links back to the homeworlds. They initially began as traders, buying and selling goods from across the galaxy, primarily as exotic goods or in their own custom robots. They arrived on RX3248 and selling a large [url=http://i.imgur.com/nafWzZy.jpg]mining droid[/url]) they settled on the moon for a period of about 5 years, taking contracts for supply runs and performing various construction jobs in the thin atmosphere using their various mechas. They were subsequently left trapped like everyone else by the appearance of the nomad fleet. After the surprises deactivation of the enemy the possibilities of being able to salvage parts of the vast fleet above have gripped the Eclipse, a desire which has brought them into conflict with the local security forces who understandably refuse to allow them to go anywhere near the ship graveyard. The ship has more or less been sitting in the spaceport making everyone slightly more nervous than it usually does due to its armaments and drones, despite the fact that neither are a match for the planetary defences. They have occasionally done jobs for the colony while they wait but for the most part they have been hanging around in the port side bars and arguing with the colonial security forces. [color=PaleGoldenrod] Valued possessions: [/color] [hider=The Rapid Evening] a cargo-ship, 40m long, capable of spaceflight. Two thirds of it is taken up with various cargo holds used to store goods. It features 4 triple barrel mass launcher turrets, two swarm missile launchers and two double barreled laser point defense turrets. The ship was purchased from human manufacturers and has been modified extensively, sometimes rather crudely, to suit it’s small denizens. [img]http://i.imgur.com/euzHGqM.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=crab lifter] an antiquated human tank unit which has had its weapons carefully removed and now acts as a glorified forklift for loading and unloading The Rapid Evening. [img]http://i.imgur.com/bLkImiP.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= Ghost EVA unit] the Eclipse have 4 of these Volkswagen beetle sized vessels for external operations that require traveling away from the ship. Crewed by a team of 8 they feature a larger rear mounted propulsion system, magnetic connectors on their leg wheels for affixing to spacecraft and two manipulator arms. On the planet's surface they can skate around on their wheels and perform much the same duty, which is where the original manufactures intended them to operate. If needed they can have weapons systems, such as a mini-gun, mounted between their two arms. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ASGw3fM.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Liandry construction robots] They have 6 of these Apis piloted mechas that stand at twice the height of human and are used for engineering tasks that require heavy lifting. [img]http://i.imgur.com/45MI0wA.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Tearer drones] They have 10 of these easily manufactured dog sized drones come equipped with a number of cutting instruments, used to assist in salvage operations by dismantling wrecks [img]http://i.imgur.com/9K9Raql.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=PaleGoldenrod] Miscellaneous:[/color] [/hider]