I'm sure many of you have heard of the Make a Wish Foundation, a corporation that gives children who are sick with no chance to recover a single wish to do the one thing they had wanted to do most of all. Now what if I told you that this company was bought by an unknown wealthy benefactor who expanded the company to everyone in the world who is dying? No one has met the new owner nor does anyone know where they get the money to do all these things, though nobody really ever questions a good thing now do they? Though there is a rumor, a urban legend that the company has a list of when and how every single person will die. That this list is how they keep track of every individual in the world and contact you accordingly. Even if you don't know you're sick they call you three months before you die, notifying you of your imminent demise though they never tell you exactly what day you'll die. They give you two months to think about what wish they'd like, giving you anything you desire as long as it does not involve the death of another person. For one week you are the happiest person in the world, then death is knocking at your door. Obviously these rumors are nothing but nonsense right? How on earth can a company have such a list and not be taken down by every single government upon the earth? Well... Maybe not. [hr] Your character has just received the call that some look forward to while others dread, and the terms of his illness or accident can be discussed in private messages. My character is a worker for the company, accompanying your character obtain whatever wish he desires. I won't go into too many details on here since the role plays plot will change a bit depending on your character and choice of wish. So if you liked the little preview of the role play and wish to learn/talk more please feel free to private message me. I hope to hear from some of you soon!