[color=f7941d][center][u][h3]Ash[/h3][/u][/center][/color] Ash walked off to the farthest end of the library, seemingly having left entirely, there were many people in there, and too many eyes to be set upon him and his book so he needed to find a quiet corner. Ash pulled the book from his jacket and looked it over intently, he honestly didn't believe that Yg'ntha found one, this wasn't the only of its kind but each one is different, a journal, of a hunter, one specifically that hunter werewolves. [i][color=fff200]So, you actually decided to take your head out of the oven and work then? Good for you, now you need to study, maybe you might not die after all.[/color][/i] Krasis chirped as he landed upon Ash's shoulder. With a grimace, Ash undid the lockstrap and opened the book. [i]"The Journal of Nathan Grimshaw. Werewolf hunter."[/i] [i][color=f7941d]He didn't actually call himself a werewolf hunter did he? I'm surprised he even got to write a journal before dying.[/color][/i] Ash thought to himself as he began to read the opening pages. This man, Grimshaw, his life was fascinating, but it was soon apparent why he lived as long as he had, he was only hunting strays, none of the names in his book were from Ash's pack, at least not yet. he spoke about beheading being effective, and that silver was only good at slowing them down, though he had a couple of interesting theories that Ash found particularly effective if done right. Ash closed the book and rubbed the bridge of his nose, reading about this was hard, werewolves dying was never a good thing for another wolf, however he knew it needed to be done. Ash reached into he pocket and pulled out a small metal case, he opened it up and inside were five white, hand rolled cigarettes, and one black cigarette separated from the rest, he took out a white cigarette and put it in his mouth, but as soon as the lighter came to light it, a black tendril from nowhere rose from the ground and put out the lighter. In the back of his head he could hear Yg'ntha, [color=598527]"Y̨ou̢ k̸ǹo̷w҉,͟ ̴that͞ s̷m͞oking ͞and ̀o̧p̛en͝ ҉fl͝am̛es̴,̸ ̀a͜re no͢t ́p̨er͞mi̴t͏ted̷ ͝w͞i̡thi̢n̸ ̴t̕h̡e ͜L̴i͜br̨a͠r̡y͘, ̡i͠f̡ ̷you̧ ̵w͢is̡h t͠o c͟h̢ar ̀yơu̡rse͘l̨f͠,̀ ͢re͞m̡ov̛ę you͘r͠sel̸f̷ ͞f̢rom the Lib́r̡ar̵y͏ fi̕r̢sţ."̡[/color] Ash could only sigh and he put the cigarette away.