[h3][color=moccasin]Ethra[/color][/h3] [hr] Ethra had bid Griffin, Haka-Mesuka, and the armored skeleton in the library farewell after their brief discussion regarding the Eaten’s being. She politely excused herself to tour the University grounds, unsure if she would end up in the cafeteria, or maybe just head back to her dorm. She said she’d see when it happened. As she exited the library, she passed Yg’ntha, thanking her for the books, and saying she’d enjoy listening to her explain what she is. ‘Child of the Filthmonger’ she had said earlier. The name alone warranted a fair bit of interest. Ethra made her way along the cobblestone pathways, enjoying the cool breeze flowing in between the buildings, gently shifting her feathers around. As she rounded a corner, something up ahead caught her interest. Two short figures, standing beside each other, on the side of the path. They were both completely featureless, wearing drab clothes, and they had skin that looked to be wood. It was as if they were both little trees shaped like human beings. Something… [i]connected[/i] the two, a branch of some sort, protruding from each of their heads. At the middle of the length was a large growth, with a faint orange light emanating from within it. Three other branches stemmed from the growth, but they did not connect to more wooden beings - as if they had been severed at some point. The ends of the branches were fitted with small ornaments with an unrecognizable language written on each of them. [i]Memorials?[/i] As she approached their general area, she saw that they were both holding odd string instruments, looking awfully similar to lutes. The duo flicked their hands thrice in unison, and then began to play. A fast, whimsical tune filled the air around all of them, and the performing duo quickly began to catch the attention of several passing students, including Ethra. She was captivated by them. Not just their music, but their… everything.