Abigail fixed the "doctor" with a hard look that warned him not to try anything funny--as if she could do anything. Still, she backed out of his way enough to allow him to bandage her husband. Curtis couldn't even begin to imagine why anyone on a pirate ship would care if they were injured, but their situation wasn't so carefree that he could look a gift horse in the mouth. Unfortunately, things quickly escalated further. When the rotund pirate who knocked down their door heard that they were out of rib roast, he flew into a rage. Drawing back his barricade-smashing fist, he slammed it into the side of the woman's face, causing her stool to collapse beneath her. Curtis...had expected much, much worse. Both for the girl, and his tavern. Glancing down at the stool with a frown, the woman instantly hopped back onto her feet and looked to the beleaguered bartender, "I'm not payin' for that stool there, like. That's his fault." Curtis felt his jaw nearly hit the floor. Despite having taken the pirate's monstrous punch, she seemed completely unfazed. What the hell were these people?! Refocusing her gaze on the pirate that attacked her, the woman slowly smiled. "But this one..." She slammed her fist into the lead pirate's jaw, his face twisting and molding to her knuckles with the same ease as whipped cream beneath a spoon. The large man was instantly lifted off his feet, rocketing towards the assembly of pirates behind him like a blubbery cannon ball. Smashing through their ranks with nary a hint of resistance, he crashed through the back wall of the tavern. "...This one's [i]all[/i] my fault."