[center][color=#BE81F7][h3]Lola[/h3][/color][/center][hr][hr] Lola allowed the black suucor to wash her being in caffeinated revitalization. It was cheap coffee-- disgustingly cheap-- Lola wasn't a miracle worker with the slots, but she knew she could afford better. Still in spite of that-- or rather, [i]because[/i] of it, the cup did it's job all the better. The mud tasted like home, and with a glass in her system, she felt one again. Her mug bore the words [i]'world's best mother.'[/i] Just like a mother would-- the black energy, coffee as black as midnight on a moonless night, coursed through her system, keeping her awake, alive, and in a state of appropriate existential being around her euclidian classmates. Speaking of her classmates-- she generally ignored the two as she prepared the pot and drank full-- but she catch the important parts of their conversation. She knew Om, she'd seen the living mountain before, obviously, who hadn't? Kat-- she'd said was her name-- was new, to Lola, at least. Neither seemed to be too troubled or even particularly susceptible to stress, certainly not enough to provide significant garmonbozia. She supposed that meant she'd spend most of her nights eating out... Lola poured herself a second glass. She'd felt her stores of energy returning. Her connection to the void, the Black Lodge in the woods, her ability to interact with people-- all rushed back. She always forgot how hard the jump here was, until it was too late. She let out a little sigh. [color=#BE81F7]"Humm..."[/color] Her coffee became like motor oil-- and then even thicker, like molasses. Lola tilted the cup, while Om suggest laying down ground rules-- the coffee poured out slowly, never quite touching the ground-- until it developed the elastic consistency of rubber, and contracted back into the now upside down mug. Flicking the mug back up in her wrist, the coffee became like liquid once more, [color=#BE81F7]"Wow, MOM. Wow."[/color] She muttered. After answering the door, Kat was the first to respond to Om. Though, Lola had taken to allowing her eyes to settle on the man. Staring at him as she sipped her endless mug of coffee. There was a depth to him he wasn't allowing others to see. Her Jade eye sparkled, she only caught the end of Kat's conditions, "--can’t speak for gold-y here.” [i]Goldie? Cute.[/i] She thought. [color=#BE81F7]"We might balance each other out, then."[/color] Her glare shifted from Om to Kat, [color=#BE81F7]"Never was a huge fan of milk, myself."[/color] Lola had no clue what people did with milk aside from occasionally putting it in their coffee, which she preferred black. [color=#BE81F7]"Though, I never deny myself an opportunity to learn what it is that makes people love something."[/color] Lola would literally constantly deny herself opportunities. [color=#BE81F7]"Dolores Dague, Lola, for you two."[/color] She spoke to them both, allowing herself to linger on Kat returning to her room a moment longer, before snapping her gaze toward Om. [color=#BE81F7]"I've never been a huge fan of rules, either."[/color] She took a sip of her coffee. [color=#BE81F7]"I don't mind sharing what's out here, I doubt I'll even use the fridge."[/color] Her eye kept focus on his. [color=#BE81F7]"Just don't go in my room."[/color] Another sip. And then-- Kat returned, breaking silence. An opportunity to run with the toned Amazon of a woman. [i]Opportunities are the worst![/i] She really could have been speaking to either Om or Lola-- honestly-- though Lola was the first to respond. [color=#BE81F7]"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a fan do you think I am of running?"[/color][hr][hr][i]Interactions:[/i] [@Saarebas] [@Noxx]