Jones smiled as he listened to the exchange between who he assumed was the bartender and the lady who turned Claire into a human cannonball. This new woman was interesting and not bad looking, he could say that much. While Claire wasn’t the toughest pirate he’d ever seen, he was curious enough about the lady who knocked him out cold to follow her as she left. Jones waved to Curtis as he left, glanced at Claire’s pile of pirates to make sure nobody was dead, and then caught up with the other conscious pirate and started talking to her. He knew she was technically the enemy, but Jones figured that if she punched him, at least he wouldn’t have to participate in raids for a while. “Since we’re headed in the same direction, mind if I walk to the docks with you?” he asked. Jones wasn’t lying; he would need to go back to the [i]Red Baron[/i] to report this incident to the captain. Redwell would not be pleased. “That was a nice attack you did back there,” the doctor added. Meanwhile, at the docks, the girl’s ship was indeed being looted. The Redwell Pirates were certainly not discriminatory with their raiding, that was for sure.