Huh. What had started out looking like a pretty mundane, boring day had actually turned out to be pretty interesting. The last thing Siobhan had been expecting to encounter in this sleepy little town were pirates, but she was hardly complaining. It had been a while since she had gotten to knock a few heads together, and she was starting to worry that she might get rusty. When the sole remaining pirate on his feet followed her out of the tavern and asked to travel to the docks with her, she quirked a brow. "Aren't ya one of those pirates? Ya seem pretty happy that I beat up your comrades." It wasn't a long walk to the docks, given the small size of the town. Unfortunately, when they arrived she saw exactly what she didn't want to see: a bunch of muppets ransacking her trawler. A vein slowly rising on the side of her head, she crouched. Her calves swelling slightly, she pushed herself off the ground in a leap that left the area bathed in a cloud of dirt. Landing on the deck of her boat, it rocked furiously on the water, almost threatening to capsize. "Get outta there, ya feckin' gimps!" Momentarily stunned by her arrival, the pirates were rendered speechless. A long staredown began between them that lasted for a fair number of seconds. When one's cutlass twitched, that was the end of it. In a blur of motion, the three pirates were sent flying, certain to find their way back to sea the hard way in short order. Exhaling, Siobhan shook her head. Rustling through her now disheveled cargo, she smiled in relief when everything seemed to be intact.