"Rainbow Raiders?!" Siobhan sputtered, nearly falling on her back as she erupted in hysterical laughter. Holding her gut, she doubled over, unable to stop her out of control cadence. "Kahuhuhuhuhu!! W-what...what are they, pirates plunderin' for sexual liberation?!" Still, something he said had finally registered with her, causing her to finally get a hold of herself. "Blackwell, right! That was it. I remember now..." He was pretty much the most powerful man in West Blue right now. Commanded multiple crews of pirates, and worse, [i]slavers.[/i] He was running some kind of protection racket on many of the islands here, where if they failed to pay his "protection fee", his pirates would show up and raid their coastal settlements as a warning. If they continued to refuse, [i]then[/i] he would send in his slavers... Having at last fully recovered from her giggle-fit, she straightened herself, her lips sliding into a smirk. "So this 'Redwell' works for that guy. That's [i]perfect![/i]" "Kickin' his arse will be a grand way to start my adventure!"