Kiril stared at the new contact on his mobile as the two left. A purposefully undecisive leader who doesn't want the job - this was by far the worse outcome he could expect. Or was it? This simply made taking over the team easier. Though, not [i]actually[/i] easy - while Sarah seemed motivated, Ian seemed to prefer to live in a small box until his life is on the line, and Rio somehow chose to shoot herself in the foot to conserve 100% of her ego. It wasn't much to work with. And on second thought, Sara's motivation may be a seed of dissent... He looked at his coffee. What the hell did they even put in there? It was just the beginning and there was no reason to be so negative. Or over-motivated. On his way back to the dorm, Kiril made another round in the hangar to download combat telemetry data and upload it. He expected a crack shot at the amount of damage he received, but none came. The guys were probably already on their way home. Or simply busy. When the tall foreigner reached the dorm, the day caught up with him and he finally realized how stressful it was. All first days were. And communicating with strangers while keeping his cool was far harder than he let show. He attempted to clear some stress with what he knew of Yoga, and crashed immediately after the shower, his dreams filled with combat telemetry while his Gear has no pants.