[h3][color=#6F5689]Viik[/color][/h3] [hr] Viik had taken the time after formally meeting Alex to set things up within his room. Pre-placed equipment had been set aside, replaced with Viik’s own artisan tools and resources. Pesco the golem lied in the corner, to be called upon for labor when Viik deemed such appropriate. All the stone slabs had been properly stacked up for later use. “This is good.” Viik said to himself, as he looked around the room. It had been a hot minute of making arrangements, so he decided he’d try talking to Alex some more. His new Reaper friend - he would be lying if he said he weren’t a little interested in hearing his story. Viik exited his room to find Alex still seated within the living area. “Viik is done making himself at home!” He called out, “And now he wishes to acquaint with his new Reaper friend.” He sat down on the sofa across from Alex. “So tell Viik about yourself.” [@Shard]