[center][color=f7941d][b][h3]Ash[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Ash stood from his place in the library now satisfied with the amount that he had read so far in the codex, [color=f7941d][i]Most of this I already knew, silver hurts if you can keep it there, off with a head to put them down for good. Ugh, I really don't like to carry that stuff with me but I guess I need the practice. Cas, is it against the rules to carry a weapon?[/i][/color] Ash looked to the small yellow bird flying around him as they walked back to the dorm room. [color=fff200][i]I don't think it would matter, it isn't like most every person in this school isn't a dangerous weapon in their own right, and like you said, you really need the practice.[/i][/color] Ash returned to his room and sifted through his pack, he pulled out a few things, a jar of what looked to be a dried brown plant, a second jar of dried purple flowers, and a dagger. Ash pulled off his belt and put the dagger on it placed behind him under his jacket, then set the jars on his desk. [color=f7941d]"Well, it isn't like no one else has weapons, I mean, some people breathe fire."[/color] Ash set the codex down as well before heading out, as he walked toward the main courtyard he took out the knife, it shimmered with a bright light, he set the blade on his hand and when he pulled it away, a bright red mark had started to appear from under it, [color=f7941d]"Silver, I'm glad I declined the silver embellishments on the sheathe and handle."[/color] As ash wandered to the courtyard he noticed a couple of trees...playing music. Ash waited a moment among the crowd of people before he noticed another student with a cigarette, he remembered that he had been stopped earlier and pulled his back out and lit it, now with a moment of peace finally pouring over him, he felt happy and free of his issues and his goals, just a moment to take in his world that gives him so much joy, [color=f7941d]"What a lovely song, I haven't heard something like that in a while."[/color] he looked about him and noticed the Owl person from the library nearby, he took a couple steps over to her, [color=f7941d]"What about you, ever heard something like that before? Around here, magic seems to be more alive, in everything we touch."[/color] he trailed a moment as he drew on the cigarette. [color=f7941d]"My apologies, I'm Ash, I saw you a few minutes ago in the library, you were chatting with my roommate Mesuka."[/color] he held out a hand in offer of a handshake. [@SepticGentleman]