[@The Mighty Hero] Hope you like her ^_^ [hider=Character Sheet For Approval] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gKT4spA.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [hider=Epic Portrait] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f5/4a/23/f54a2365e576acf46cf66feda60d5f39--warrior-girl-warrior-women.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [center][h2][color=#ff0000]E[/color][color=#ff4000]l[/color][color=#ff7f00]e[/color][color=#ffaa00]m[/color][color=#ffd400]e[/color][color=#ffff00]n[/color][color=#f8ff00]t[/color][color=#f0ff00]:[/color] [color=#fac600]F[/color][color=#ffa900]i[/color][color=#ff6000]r[/color][color=#ff1700]e[/color] [color=#ff0000]A[/color][color=#ff7f00]g[/color][color=#ffff00]e[/color][color=#f0ff00]:[/color][color=#ffa900]1[/color][color=#ff1700]8[/color] [color=#ff0000]W[/color][color=#ff2a00]e[/color][color=#ff5500]a[/color][color=#ff7f00]p[/color][color=#ffbf00]o[/color][color=#ffff00]n[/color][color=#faff00]:[/color][color=#f0ff00]R[/color][color=#f8d400]a[/color][color=#ffa900]p[/color][color=#ff7800]i[/color][color=#ff4800]e[/color][color=#ff1700]r[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=#ff0000]P[/color][color=#ff4000]e[/color][color=#ff7f00]r[/color][color=#ffbf00]s[/color][color=#ffff00]o[/color][color=#faff00]n[/color][color=#f5ff00]a[/color][color=#f0ff00]l[/color][color=#f8d400]i[/color][color=#ffa900]t[/color][color=#ff6000]y[/color][color=#ff1700]:[/color][/h2] [color=fff200]Ashton has always taken life a little too seriously. At least, that's what her brothers always said. Of course, with them being six and eight years of age, she can easily dismiss their assumptions as the ignorance of youth. In her own view, she is simply more grounded than many of her peers. Long disillusioned by the trials of life, her stoic face offers a stark contrast to the flashy powers she possesses. Despite the natural tendancy of flames to spread and be destructive, Ashton focuses largely on control. This applies not only to her powers but to every facet of her life. Control, she feels, is the most important thing a person can possess. Though sharp-witted (and usually sarcastic) when she desires to be, Ashton is a woman of few words. And even fewer smiles. For years now she has focused her training and he free time almost solely on self-reliance, and because of this. her social skills are severely underdeveloped. This in fact may be her biggest flaw. She'll fight without fear and without anger, but when it comes to small talk, she finds herself absolutely terrified. Thankfully, her cold demeanor tends to put people off, so she is rarely forced to interact with other people. When she does, she'll nod and listen, but her face never changes. Usually, the lack of sympathy in her expression is enough to convince anyone to take their rantings elsewhere. Yet that is not to say she feels nothing. Despite the coolness of her features, Ashton often feels deeply for the people around her, but seeing this as weakness, she tries to bury it as best she can. Passion for anything, and anyone, is the enemy of control. Still, she loves her brothers, and would do anything to protect them and help them become stronger. She justifies this with her world view by claiming it is her duty to her family that drives her, but in reality she loves them. Of course, Ashton is only human. Try as she may to hide it, she often feels lonely. Though it frightens her, she still feels the desperate need for human interaction that every human being must face. Her personality comes out clearly in her fighting style. Ashton is a fencer, and her weapon, the rapier, is designed specifically for precise thrusts. Battle is a dance to her, every step carefully calculated. She fights with grace and poise, and to many have described her style as beautiful. However, she is not as powerful as she could be due to her reluctance to use her flames. Flames are wild and unpredictable, and she does not yet trust herself to wield their full power. Instead she focuses some of her fire around her blade, heating it and increasing its effectiveness.[/color][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=#ff0000]H[/color][color=#ff7f00]i[/color][color=#ffbf00]s[/color][color=#ffff00]t[/color][color=#fff800]o[/color][color=#ffd100]r[/color][color=#ffa900]y[/color][color=#ff0000]:[/color][/h2] [color=fff200]Ashton had a relatively happy childhood. It wasn't until she was twelve that the world began to mold her into what she would become. Her mother, a loyal and passionate woman with a bit of a fiery temper, died while giving birth to her youngest brother Asher (yeah, they picked fire names... her Dad thought they were being creative.) Riddled with grief, her father began to change. He became cold and distant, leaving Ashton to care for her younger siblings mostly on her own. Then one day, he disappeared entirely. Ashton left school, working to provide for her brothers, but she still trained in her free time. What energy didn't go into her job went into fencing. With the little extra money she had, she began paying an instructor to teach her. It was at this point she learned of her calling as an Aedis. During her training, her instructor pushed her past her limit, causing flames to erupt from her body. Ashton was terrified, but her teacher realized what she was and insisted she immediately go to a special Academy to train. She was wary at first, but when she was told why she was born, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, she knew it was a calling she could ot refuse. By then she was older than most of the new students, but her combat experience helped in evening things out. She was told that this gift she has is meant to protect others, and that is what she intends to use it for. But her first concern is her brothers. Unsure how these powers develop or are passed on, she knows that if they have these abilities, somebody must learn enough to teach them and keep them safe. After all, those kids had always been rather reckless... and fire is a destructive force.[/color][/center] [/hider]