[@The Grey Dust] If not clearly spelled out enough in the posts, Arius' particular suspicion (notably incorrect based on additional OOC knowledge) is that no citizens have been seized by the mayor at all, that Alric is actually just bait to get wandering murder-hobos passing through the village to foolishly raise arms against the local mayor, lead them into the trap, and once the would-be rebels are subdued... they are the ones actually sold into slavery, which is still a lesser punishment then the usual penalty for their willful crime of treason... death, and the mayor/village reap the profits. Lather, rinse, and repeat whenever the village's dues to the crown are due and tax revenues come up short, since you know... murder-hobos are a bountiful resource. Arius suspicions don't give him reason to go warn any authorities or stick around to help the mayor.