[@The Mighty Hero] Well its a matter of how and when you add the details. Having someone suddenly show up at the Cliffside Manor with a convenient map of the Mayor's private estate seems a bit off. On one hand, you have the argument that the guy wants to help, but isn't a combat person and has family in distress too. Which all seems nice, and I'm fine with that, I mean given the circumstances it might have taken the guys down at the pub to spread the word or something or drudge out this map. On the other hand, how does a village just happen to have a complete layout of the Mayor's map? Was he the guy who built it or something? was he a servant prior? I assume from the line "I work here" meaning he works at the manor, but that's vague either suggesting he works 'here' being the village, or 'here' being the estate. So if this is true however... We run into another issue, can we IC trust a man working for the Mayor? Thus opening up another round of do the characters trust the players involved? There's no build of rapport since we missed out on the whole introductions at the bar thing to learn everyone's credentials. So beyond Kethan and Tessa, no character actually has a relationship with each other, and have no reason beyond their own personal judgment to trust anyone else. We've already had one character come to this conclusion and thus up and leave. And it is sort of railroading since you tell us there's a map, but only mentioned the Servant's Entrance. There's no actual description of the layout of the manor on the map, so there's absolutely no choice we as players can make since the DM failed to actually produce a map for us to view IC/OOC and roleplay out our options which thus far are Warded Frontdoor, Vs Servant's Entrance. There's no description of how many stories the building is, No basement, no balcony, no chimney or rooftop access? The topiary garden has been described, but the manor itself to me right now appears to be a blank-vaguely house-shaped box with distinctive lack of features that a map could and probably would illuminate.