[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170704/7a3699e823b74da5b134ed869688d40e.png[/img] [hr] [Indent]It's the year 2067. The future that has been predicted for many years has finally arrived little by little. From the flying cars, to holographic comunicators, to even cures for cancer and such. The new world was alive and prosper. But as it grew, so did the threat of hell-raising villany. Thats right, a war had formed from the parts of humanity that were sinister and corrupt with jealousy. The leaders of each side of earth are trying to come to a peace treaty, but that wish seemed imposible. Hope had hanged in the balence, and the apocalypse was fortold to be near.[/indent] [Indent]One scientist, Jane Williams, brought together the world's best in the scientific career track as they started a secret expiriment that not only allows people to gain powerful ablilities, but to overcome their fears aswell. She called it ,[/indent][/center] [Center][h1][color=7ea7d8]ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ: ᴘ.ʜ.ᴏ.ʙ.ɪ.ᴀ.[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [Center][Indent]Hello! You might be wondering, [b]'What's this? An RP from Scarlet/M.J that doesn't seem to suck?'[/b], and the answer is yes indeed! Ive been thinking of making this into my own little side story, but for now as a casual sci-fi RP. If the intro didnt seem enough of an explanation, i'll gist it for ya.[/indent] [Indent]So in the future, a world wide war had broken out that seemed never-ending. The leaders of each side are failing to work out the problems, so a scientist has banded up others to start an expiriment. There, they take whatever sample of a phobia source and combine it with a test subject's DNA. When sucessful, the subject would gain the abilities from the phobia. For example, an arachnophobe would get the ablilites from a spider/tarantula (basically, they become spiderman). As the game goes along, the subject will be assigned to go on missions, protecting whatever is left of their civilization, and the story will go more in depth.[/indent] [Indent]Once they got chosen, there was be no going back...now they have a life-risking adventure to live through.[/indent] [Indent]In between missions, the subjects could hang out in the underground laboratory, chat and catch up with friends, or even just simply go out for a walk. It's all up to you, dear player.[/indent][/center] [hr] [Center][hider=CS] (Appearance photo up top, and you can design the CS how you want, be creative!) [img][/img] [hr] (Quote) [hr] Name: Age: Phobi-ablility: Personality: Relations: Backstory: Theme: [/hider][/center] [Center][hider=Phobias and their benefits] (Will add more, open to sudgestions!) [color=Lavender][b][u]Arachnophobia, The Fear Of Spiders[/u][/b][/color] - [color=8493ca]Esther al-Mubarak[/color] ([@Tojin]) ·Four extra limbs, allows the ability to multi-task ·More climbing ability, good for parkour and to catch up to others easily ·Silk webs, to catch enemies, prey, or to simply lounge out ·Extra eyes, same as the limbs, but enhances vision [color=6ecff6][b][u]Phasmophobia, The Fear Of Ghosts[/u][/b][/color] - [color=lightgreen]Eiko Tachibana[/Color] ([@Tenma Tendo]) ·The ability to shift in and out of being a spirit ·See and converse with other ghosts ·Go through physical objects, such as walls or buildings .Torment others through hauntings, or simple nightmares [color=f6989d][b][u]Belonephobia, The Fear Of Needles[/u][/b][/color] - [color=purple]Thalia Tachibana-Watanabe[/color] ([@Tenma Tendo]) ·The ability to summon rows of needles out of thin air, reminiscent to knife throwing .Afflict any alignment onto enemies with different needles .Stitch up wounds and cloth with ease ·Tolerant to pain from other sharp objects [color=f9ad81][b][u]Coulrophobia, The Fear of Clowns[/u][/b][/color] - Percival Pelacour ([@EchoicChamber]) ·Easily fit into tiny spaces ·Store objects in hammerspace .Unlimited supply of trickery .Is actually really horrifying [color=8882be][b][u]Triskaidekaphobia, The Fear Of The Number 13[/u][/b][/color] - (Open) ·Curse anyone with bad luck, usually lasts 13 days ·Summon 13 clones at a time ·Stop or slow time for 13 minutes [color=f49ac2][b][u]Rhabdophobia, The Fear Of Magic[/u][/b][/color] - (Open) ·Create a second vessel for magic, kinda like a tag-team partner ·Summon a spear that strikes through the enemies' souls ·Steal other's abilities, even as they're attacking ·Actually more menacing than they seem to others [color=7bcdc8][b][u]Lilapsophobia, The Fear of Storms[/u][/b][/color] - (Open) ·Manipulate and summon storms on will ·Change weather, usually temporary ·Use the current weather then as part of their attacks ·Always send down a lightning bolt at someone anytime, usually to make moments ironic [color=6ecff6][b][u]Melophobia, The Fear of Music[/u][/b][/color] - (Open) ·Send sonic waves, either from voice or current instrument, to knock enemies back ·Use different songs to amp up attack damage, heal others, or defend from attacks [color=fdc68a][b][u]Phobophobia, The Fear of Fear Itself[/u][/b][/color] - (Open) ·Boost others phobi-abilities ·Frighten and manipulate enemies [color=fff79a][b][u]Acrophobia, The Fear of Heights[/u][/b][/color] - [color=gray]Ardin Joyce[/color] ([@Lord Of Evil]) ·Jump at larger heights than an average person can ·Aim at high targets easily [color=gray][b][u]Robophobia, The Fear of Robots[/u][/b][/color] - [color=Gold]Travis O'Connor[/color] ([@Pathfinder]) ·Body enhancements, as one has to undergo transformation to become more cybernetic [color=f7976a][b][u]Pyrophobia, The Fear of Fire[/u][/b][/color] - [color=orange]Calixto Diodoji[/color] ([@GoodLuckTuck]) ·Control and manupulate fire ·Create fire at will ·Melt anything ice cold ·Create a ring of fire, if one wants to fight an enemy one-on-one, or protect others [/hider][/center]