[center][h1][color=fff79a]Alexander Schinios[/color][/h1][/center] [color=fff200]Full name:[/color] Alexander Schinios [color=fff200]Elements:[/color] Light [color=fff200]Age:[/color] 19 [color=fff200]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Alexander] I do not own this [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/3609/f/2013/145/3/6/young_knight_by_wacalac-d66i0ga.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=fff200]Traits: [/color] Some of Alexander's strongest personality traits originated from his private tutor, Euphelia. She is the one who inspired Alexander to become a man who thirst for knowledge and a person with desire for greatness. He claims that he is the only person suited to become the leader of the Aedis, and believes that he will lead the Aedis, a force of good, to banish all evils from his land. Whether or not he is a person destined to become great, Alexander certainly has the confidence of one. He had an absolute vision of his own future, and was driven by a great amount of will and determination. This, however, sometimes causes him to be disillusioned and off the world, to lose touch with reality, and a little bit vain, all of which can have serious effects on him later on Speaking of destiny, Alexander is a traditionalist and a spiritual person. He fundamentally believes that everything in this world is predestined, that his fate to become Aedis's leader is all but a matter of time, and that he must be utterly prepared for it. He has a calm and logical side, undoubtedly thanks to Euphelia's tutelage. But although he is opened to reasoned debate, Alexander is a hard nut to crack, a stubborn man. When angered, he will also abandon his composed attitude and becomes violent, rash and impulsive. To those who lacks the vision of their future, Alexander can also be very condescending and arrogant, considering them not worthy of being his acquaintance. But despite all the downsides to him, if you have earned his trust, he can be a very loyal companion and a protective partner His confidence and fierceness are clearly demonstrated when he fights. Alexander is a capable horse fighter, and his partner, Stella, a female white heavy horse, is his main powerhouse for force, as Alexander usually uses her to gain speed, knock down enemies, leaving them vulnerable to the trampling of his horse or the mercy of his blade. His appearance on the battlefield with his companion can also stir the combat morale of other Aedis. But because of this recklessness and his tendency to be the first one to charge into battle, he is almost certain to become the main target of the enemy. Despite being a light Aedis, his skill tree is extremely one-sided. While he can use the light's aggressive laser and the defensive force-field abilities decently, and the light manipulation mediocrely, his support skills like invisibility, teleportation and mimicry are seriously under-developed, something that he is working to rebalance. And while a good horseback fighter, he isn't powerful on foot, as the physical power and the high ground advantage of his attack is mostly relied on Stella. [color=fff200]Background: [/color] Born and educated solely by his mother, Alexander was a light Aedis by nature, but it was not until he was thirteen did he realize the innate power that he possessed. Before that, because Alexander's family was relatively poor, so he spent most of his childhood homeschooled by his mother, who despite being immensely busy with her work still spent times to teach Alexander about everything that he needed to know, from science like mathematics, physics to basic philosophy like culture and history. But it was when he was thirteen that his life made a drastic turn, when he was on a normal cave expedition, where he suddenly glowed with great intensity inside the dark cave. He was taken into the academy shortly after, and was given a private tutor, Euphelia, who inspired Alexander to become who he is today. During his time at the academy, Alexander still attended classes like normal students, but he mostly spent his time inside the teacher's room, where Euphelia had allowed Alexander to enter for her own tutelages. For the next four years Euphelia furthered Alexander's knowledge about his powers, the code of conducts and the mandate that the Creator had bestowed on him upon his birth. But perhaps the most important thing that Alexander had studied from Euphelia was inspiration and will to realize the huge ambition he had within him ever since he was a young child. By constantly reminding him of the grand fate and destiny of an Aedis, Euphalia was able to etch it deep into Alexander's mind, combining with his quick learning traits, his natural born powers, and you have a recipe for a great warrior. In exchange, Alexander enjoyed the time he spent with Euphelia, and to this day, he still respected her as one of the best teacher he had ever studied under. At one point, around a year after Alexander entered the academy, he found a lost lone white horse inside a forest during one of his excursion there. Afraid that the creature might be killed by a predator, Alexander tried to pull her back to the academy, but she initially refused. After a while examining, Alexander noticed that the creature had heliophobia, a phobia in which is the fear of sunlight. Despite being very unexperienced with his magic at the time, Alexander managed to use his light manipulation ability to shine on the horse, trying to mimic the sunlight. She freaked out at first, but as Alexander kept on calming the creature, reassuring her that all was ok, the horse eventually got over her fear. After the incident, Alexander kept the horse and named her Stella, after the night sky, the only time when the animal could feel at ease. The academy initially did not allow pets, but then made an exception, on one condition that she must be kept in one of the corners of the school ground. Stella later became Alexander's companion on the battlefield [color=fff200]Weapon: [/color] [hider=The Swiss saber] [img]https://cdn-s3.touchofmodern.com/products/000/669/695/a46fac1711d4f749fc0d96f3103e6454_large.jpg?1491441268[/img] The light crystal is located on the gorget of his armor. [/hider] [hider=Stella] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/3cc9/i/2012/103/0/7/white_horse_by_wayvy-d4w1e3f.png[/img] [/hider]