[quote=@AtomicNut] Can I become Meguca? [/quote] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/fb3780d423564d0644c8184e93c37ec4/tumblr_inline_n5qv1zpC6J1reyt76.jpg[/img] [hr] [@GreenGoat] Your character is okay save for some very [i]minor [/i]things: 1. Can you elaborate a bit more on the fog ability? Its sounds like a cool ability in itself but I'd like to understand it better. Like, how does the fog/vehicles thing work and how you would use it in a fight. 2. You used a 9 out of possible 20 physical stats. That's completely fine if you intended that. [i](Just making sure its not a mistake!) [/i] [hr] [quote=@NightinGem] Note: I am starting to move into my (first-ever!!) new apartment, and will be busy and most likely often without internet for the next few days. [/quote] No worries! It's alright as long as you pop on here from time to time~ Also your character is pretty much good to go but I feel like she has one too many abilities... Mind removing one?