[hider=Celeste Stride][h3][b]Human[/b][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [color=9966CC][b]Celeste Stride [/b][/color] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance: [/b] Height: 156cm Weight: 52 kg Celeste has a compact build that boasts a slightly muscular tone. She is often seen in simple yet flowy dresses or a simple solid color top over various a-line skirts. She carries herself with a certain grace and wouldn't be caught dead lazing around in pajamas or tacky clothing. She's not particular about wearing bright colors and her wardrobe mainly consists of neutral tones: blacks, greys, the like; with some muted colors here and there. She has her hair up in pigtails or in a single braid. [b]Personality:[/b] Celeste is a level-headed person who favors practicality over theories. She's down to earth and does not waste time on wishy-washy aspirations and what-if scenarios. Instead, she breaks up her wishes into attainable goals and achieves them. If its not something within her limits, she won't waste time moping about it.She is very persevering and once she makes up her mind to do something it can be very hard to destroy her determination. Celeste is not open to others and keeps everyone at a distance. She often performs as an observer, taking in everything going around her but not actively being involved in it. She is rather emotionally unavailable, cutting down connections with others at the first of conflict. She can be brutally honest sometimes; often at the cost of hurting the other person. [b]Backstory:[/b] Growing up in an orphanage, Cel faced the same emotional neglect and hostility that many other children her age did. There was often a constant fight for every physiological and psycho-social need and she often found herself losing these battles. Celeste figured out the hard way that she'd have to stand her ground in a fight to survive amidst the others. Having met Kyuubey spelt out an all time high for Celeste. She finally had her own place, could attend a better education and much more. The healing process could finally begin; and she started becoming more tolerant to being in the company of her peers. She's even the class representative at her new school. Its been a year since then and though the rush Celeste felt initially was all too real ,the magic is starting to slowly wear off. There were things still missing from her life.Though she feels the dreariness of her previous days slowly return, Celeste does her best to keep moving forward. She's not the kind of person to get stuck in a rut or regret decisions. [b]Wish:[/b][color=9966CC][b][i] I wish to be rich and self-sustaining for the rest of my life.[/i][/b][/color] [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Stamina:[/b] Though she isn't a full-blown athlete, Cel has remarkable stamina. She has often seen fights and battles till the end despite some of them getting very long- winded. [b]Flexible:[/b] Her days at the orphanage have made Cel very adaptive to a variety of situations. If she can't work with certain people or rules, she'll work around them. [b]Analyst:[/b] Celeste has a great knack for observing situations and is not quick to make rash decisions. That is not to say that she lacks the ability to think on her feet in the least. She often ponders over the meaning of hints dropped subtly by anyone and is quick to notice if their facial expressions betray their feelings. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Cynical/Critical[/b]: She is not afraid to give others a piece of her mind and tell exactly what she thinks of them. She is a bit of a skeptic by nature, finding it hard to give anyone the benefit of doubt or believing in anyone's "generally good" intentions. [b]Stubborn[/b]: Once she makes up her mind, she can be foolishly stubborn. Even if proven wrong or silly, it takes arduous efforts to make Cel change her mind. She has rubbed quite a lot of people the wrong way due to her obstinate nature. Only the truly patient can tolerate her when she's being stubborn. [h3][b]Magical Girl[/b][/h3] [b]Appearance and Theme Color: [color=9966CC]Amethyst[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0QKiws5.jpg?1[/img][/b] Her soul gem is a flower-shaped brooch on her dress when she transforms. When resting, it acts as a hair pin. [b]Magical Weapon:[/b]Dual blades [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/POdMkm3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Magical Ability: [/b] [b][i]Floral cover[/i][/b] When in danger, she can summon a large amethyst bud that engulfs her whole and turns into a resilient material, impervious to most attacks. The cover can also shield up to 2 others in her immediate proximity. [i][b]Gale of petals[/b][/i] When switching from defense to attack, Cel can cause her floral cover to dissipate into several needle-sharp petals that can be deadly to her targets. [i][b]Misdirection[/b][/i] Cel can summon up to 4 decoy targets at a time. These have 0 offensive power and burst into harmless petals when attacked with a medium-strength attack. They look like her, but lack any personality. [i][u]Physical stats[/u][/i] [list][*]Attack: 3 [*]Defense: 10 [*]Agility: 2 [*]Mana: 5 + 2[/list] [i][u]Experience [/u][/i] 4 + 1 [i][u]Despair[/u][/i] 2 [i][u]Karmic Potential[/u][/i] 3 [/hider]