[hider=CS] [h3][b][color=#A59DAC]Human[/color][/b][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Elsa Witter [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Transformed] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Sc3bxLy.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Elsa is a relatively cold person emotionally. She does her best to only show positive emotions and feelings, keeping those that would be considered negative to herself. She does a fairly good job of muting her own feelings, but it also results in her getting frustrated and letting those dangerous emotions build up inside her, she just tries to not explode on other people. By the same token however her feelings are also muted, and she doesn't feel strongly about anything really. She might care, but it is never a primary driving factor for her. she's also fairly easy to please, and can hold on to her grudges for a while, though she may keep them to herself. [b]Backstory:[/b] Elsa wasn't that special for a long time in her life. She was the eldest of two sisters, and always had some burden of responsibility upon her. But she could live with it, and did her best to meet those expectations. Growing up she was always more intellectually focused, writing and acting, that sort of thing. It was a useful escapism, for her. It was especially important as her family moved around a bit because of her father's work. It was never particularly far, but slowly she felt hold friends slipping through her fingers, losing contact and never talking with them after some time. Initially it didn't bother her, but she was always left with that lingering worry in her mind, that she shouldn't get to know people because she would just move and never see them again. She tried to ignore that though, and did stay in one spot for her high school career. With the pressure to succeed and get into college she was also able to try out her first romantic relationship. It...didn't work out, to put it mildly, and in the fallout from that she was approached by Kyubey, and made her wish. Now Elsa is ready to become a magical girl, not quite sure what she's gotten herself into . [b]Wish:[/b] [i]"I wish....I wish I didn't have to hurt like this any more."[/i] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Music [*]Writing [*]Bicycling [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*]Has a tendency to repress things until she explodes [*]Can be easily distracted when she wants to be [*]She might be a tad too respectful of authority figures, even if she doesn't want to listen. [/list] [h3][color=#A55A67][b]Magical Girl[/b][/color][/h3] [b]Appearance and Theme Color: [/b]Elsa's soul gem is a cerulean blue color, located on the side of her collar in a circular shape when she is transformed. When not transformed her soul gem is a ring on her finger, or a Faberge Egg. You know, like every magical girl ever [b]Magical Weapon: [/b]Elsa wields a blue spear with a crook in the middle of the blade, that is geared towards melee combat. It has a long hilt, and is very sharp. [b]Magical Ability: [/b] [i]Pain Nullification[/i] - While all magical girls have some ability to dull pain when in a fight, Elsa takes this to a grater extent than normal. She is able to completely nullify any feeling of pain in her body, without the loss of reflex speed and attachment that would come from using such an ability normally. Of course this drains her mana at an increased rate when active, but that's to be expected. On the passive level it provides a boost against magic that would otherwise be mentally damaging. [i][u]Physical stats[/u][/i] Available points= 20 [i](Each attribute has a max value of 10)[/i] [list][*]Attack - 7 [*]Defense - 2 [*]Agility - 4 [*]Mana - 6[/list] [i][u]Experience [/u][/i] 1 - A raw newbie, who only knows what she's been told by Kyubey [i][u]Despair[/u][/i] 0 (I assume) [i][u]Karmic Potential[/u][/i] 6 [/hider] Tadah, here we go.