[quote=@thewizardguy] [@Kiyran] Darkness is the absence of light, and therefore in order to 'remove' darkness from a room you would need to introduce light. Nothingness by definition is dark, because it lacks light. This is why defining darkness as a 'force' is so difficult, because it's an absence. [/quote] My point exactly. It's not a force. But if it's being used as one, the darkness of nothing wouldn't count, since you're qualifying it as an actual thing that is present. And there's no way to use darkness as a power without regarding it as some sort of matter or energy. It's probably the weirdest one... by it's actual definition it is an absence, but to be used as a power, it can't be considered as such. So the absence of light and "Darkness" the magical power would have to be different things... Man, this is all making my head spin ^_^