[center][h1][sub][color=Green][b][u]E L I E S T A L I[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h1][/center] [center][@Mistiel][@Tenma Tendo][@Tala Avana][@Kazemitsu][@Lord Orgasmo][@Redneckatron][@Ambra][@Mercurial][@Zeroth][@Solace][@Aquanthe][/center] [hr] Eli was about to speak up when a young man spoke of a man named Maize. His attention turned to him and he raised a brow, unsure of who Maize really was. The only military-like person that he had known well enough was Rhea. In response, he looked up to her, as if trying to find an answer on who Maize was. After a few seconds, he looked back at the others, and began to speak. First, he looked to Gorou and seemed to go a little pale. [color=Green]"W-Well....I believe we'll be...uh.....sailing."[/color] It was obvious that he had some trouble with going out to sea, if it wasn't already obvious enough from the way he acted. [color=Green]"I just hope that.....it goes w-well, yes?"[/color] He laughed uneasily for a few second, then looked over to Sirian, deciding to let Rhea speak to Albus about what time they would leaving for their journey. [color=Green]"Well...to be honest with you, I don't know how long we'll be gone. I believe we'll be out for quite some time, though. It is a long walk after all...and....sailing."[/color] He grew a little pale again from the thought and pushed his dish away, unable to really eat at the moment. He looked up over at the Priest after she spoke and weakly smiled, a small tinge of red on his cheeks. [color=Green]"Thank you for your assistance. I really appreciate you all coming out here.[/color] As excited as he was for this adventure, he just couldn't stand the sea. Something about it just got on his nerves and made his stomach twist inside when he thought of being out on the water. Even worse, he thought of what kind of creatures could be lurking in the deep. He would have fainted at that point if he didn't have a 'reputation' to uphold. He looked back up at the others and grew a wide smile, trying to reassure them that he was more than capable for this journey. He wasn't about to let some silly old fear stop him from something so important...even if he did wish to avoid it as much as possible. He idly looked down, pulling out the necklace from underneath his shirt, and stared at the heirloom in thought. It made him think of his heritage and about the stories that his father had told him. He smiled absentmindedly, feeling a sense of pride course through him. He couldn't wait to get this started and come back as a man. His father would be so proud of him...maybe he would even stop bugging him about marriage and what-not afterwards! That would be fantastic.