Penelope turned her head to focus her gaze on Crow. She listened to him talk about his beliefs with interest. It was something new to her. She had been brought up on the belief that those who had passed moved on to a new place entirely. Somewhere that their souls could rest for eternity. It was interesting to think that the stars were those who had passed. The only thing that amazed her more was the fact that they were able to talk like this. They had been enemies up until a few days ago and she would likely mocked him if he spoke of such beliefs during the earlier part of their journey. But she would never do that now. Penelope took him and his words seriously when he spoke like he was now. Perhaps it was foolish of the knight to trust the word of a man who has only been known to lie and cheat but Penelope disregarded such thoughts. “The night sky would not nearly be as bright if it only had the constellations.” Penelope said as she met his gaze. “So in that way...there is no such thing as someone being unimportant... Even a thief that’s not as selfish as he thinks.” She added the last part with a soft smile. It had been something she had noticed within the days they had traveled together, but the thief was rather generous and kind to the peasants they came across. His small deeds of handing some of his food to the young servers had not gone unnoticed by the knight, along with the help he had given her at times. She turned her head and looked out at the sky. Penelope let out a quiet sigh as her smile slowly faded and her gaze became somber. Someone whom she hadn’t thought about in years suddenly crossed her mind. It was her mother. Her green gaze searched the sky as she wondered if her mother was a star somewhere. “I wonder if she watches me.....” She mumbled aloud. The knight blinked realizing she had spoke her thoughts out loud. Her trance like gaze at the sky quickly broke as she turned to look back at Crow. “Ah, sorry.... I got a bit lost in thought there...” She said with an embarrassed expression.