[center][h2][color=lightsteelblue][u] [b]Arin Nilinas[/b] [/u] [color=lightsteelblue][sup][sup]Current Location: Greymont Castle Grounds[/sup][/sup][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pXg2fRb.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] [color=silver]Whether Arin was still hungry or not after what little food she was allowed to eat, the priestess' appetite had, for better or worse, faded away upon the prince's mention of sailing. Arin had been on a boat before, yet the even the calm waves of the local lake had enough power to upset her stomach in a fashion similar to when she was asked to heal the blacksmith's son after a hunting incident. The boy—a lad of seventeen winters—had been gored by a boar, and the injury was devastating. An embedded tusk, coated in blood, that had shredded entrails was sticking outside the boy's stomach and... and... [i]Gulp.[/i] The memory of the boy's injury had made Arin quite pale as the rest continued to converse. Her stomach was churning, and what food she had managed to eat was more than likely to soon pour out of one end. The priestess glanced towards the windowsill, finding it still occupied by the bard and his bird. A look towards the door to the banquet hall found it still closed, until the arrival of a burly and giant knight that had only served to further the ill feeling Arin had felt. Thankfully, the man was authoritative, and was in a hurry to move onto the road to reach whatever was to be their end destination. The priestess made haste to the door—stopping in her tracks only to turn around and bow to Prince Eli as she was leaving—and then outside the castle gates. Finding a row of bushes near the stables suitable, Arin released her morning meal into the potted plants. Leaning with the support of a wooden post, the priestess' continued to lurch herself over the bushes until the flow of breakfast had stopped, although a few more minutes were to pass until Arin decided it was safe to stand straight once more. Reaching into her satchel, Arin pulled forth a handkerchief and a water flask, first bringing the flask to her mouth in order to wash away the nasty taste and then to wipe away water that had dribbled onto her face.[/color] [color=lightsteelblue][i][b]Hopefully no one was watching,[/b][/i][/color] [color=silver]Arin thought, taking in a deep breath and gazing upwards towards the sky for a moment. Uttering a prayer to Nilonne to at least allow her to hold her lunch down, Arin soon turned around and made her way to the stables, where the rest were beginning to gather and mount their respective steeds.[/color] [hr] [center][@LordVoldemort] & Those in the Banquet Hall, [@Ambra][@Kazemitsu][@Zeroth][@Mercurial][/center]