[center][h2]Esther von Degraff[/h2][/center] [hr] Esther returned to the group just in time before the Princess made her appearance. She did not expect her appearance at all, so when she first saw her, she froze in place for quite some time before saluting her nervously. Oh, how she was glad that she didn't catch her in her previous state of undress. She couldn't imagine standing in front of her wearing that semi see-through night gown, showing her her undergarments in all their glory. She would probably punish her for that even, for a lewd act unbecoming for a soldier of the Empire. Esther, like the other Cadets, had seen her before in their times in the Academy. She always admired her, with how graceful and composed she was. She thought she exemplified the perfect noble woman, something that she wanted to become. When the Princess declared for them to spend a night in the village, with all expenses paid by her, she was terribly surprised. She didn't expect her to come here and give them a vacation, albeit a short one. She couldn't help but smile looking at the commander's reaction to the announcement. Serves him right, she thought inside her heart. "T-thank you, Your Majesty!" she said to the princess, retightening her salute posture to the point that it looked somewhat ridiculous. Her ladylike look really wasn't suited for doing a spartan soldier act after all. [@KoL]