[h1][center][color=92278f][b]Tiu Feir[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Watching from the sidelines, Tiu began feeling a lot more at ease as the group seemed thoroughly interested in their own activities or the leaders of the group. When none other than The Dauntless walked in, Tiu straightened up instantly, his presence immediately drawing her interest. Over the nine years she had wandered this continent, the few stories she had heard of the man that now stood with them had always drawn her attention, an rd now she got to see him in the flesh. Within moments he had everyone up and moving, headed towards the gate. Tiu followed quickly, a small smile on her lips. Once she had reached the stables Tiu made her way to one of the horses, raising her hand and approaching it slowly. It seemed anxious at first, likely smelling the Laguz blood in her, but she quickly calmed it. After a few moments of running a hand down it's mane, a distant sound of someone relieving themselves of their stomach contents made her tilt her head, but she soon decided to ignore it and return her attention to those around her. The Wyvern Rider that Eli had called Rhea was being questioned once more, and Tiu couldnt help but chuckle. There was no telling how long this mission would take, life was simply too full of surprises for something this big to be truly planned for. She returned her attention to the horse for a few moments before nimbly hopping atop it, ready for the road ahead.