[center][h1][color=yellow]✾[/color][color=#87ceeb]Fei Sima[/color][color=yellow]✾[/color][/h1][/center] Fei looked up as the imposing woman from before, Rhea, had walked past him, heading to the gates herself; curse her much longer legs... Deciding he'd have to pick up the pace, the bluenette moved to a light jog. With Rhea still in sight, Fei had no problem making his way out to the gates. As he exited the estate, Fei came face to face with a large white wyvern, causing him to gasp in surprise. [color=#87ceeb]"W-Whoa!"[/color] He shouted out as he stumbled back a bit. His eyes quickly moved down from the animal's muzzled face and it was there that he caught sight of Rhea beside it. So she was a Wyvern Rider huh? Fei couldn't say he was surprised, but it was a bit shocking to see something other than a horse around these parts. Fei took careful steps, in case the wyvern was looking at him, and made his way over to the horses. They all looked nice and calm for the most part, but they were all far too big for him. Looking around and watching as the others mounted there horses with ease, he new he would have to ask to ride with someone. Unfortunately, a good portion of them were too scary to approach or he was too shy to ask them. There was Zachary...but he was...something special. [@Tala Avana] As the bluenette began to cross people out, his eyes rested on a girl with a cloak covering a good portion of her features. He could see a bit of brown hair where he stood, a pair of sharp eyes and some armor, but that was about it; no weapons in sight either. Making his way over to the side of the girl's horse, Fei waved a hand up in the air, his cloak shifting in the process. [color=#87ceeb]"E-Excuse me, Miss!"[/color] He called before tilting his head. [color=#87ceeb]"M-Might it be alright if I rode with you on your horse?"[/color] He questioned as he let his hand fall back to his side.