I won't lie, I haven't read all the posts, because I would catch sentences and make me flinch [i]There is no sexism in nerd/geek/gamer communities!! If you tell them they're being sexist and condescending, it'll make them realize it and change themselves! [/i] Truth is, when you're your average-looking, maybe not that attractive female, and you try to integrate a new group... It's [b]very[/b] difficult. If you're a male, I'm sorry - but it'll be very hard for you to put yourselves in a female's shoes. If you deny there is any sexism, you're either purposely avoiding realizing it, or you're so exposed to this kind of behaviour that you don't even realize that it is there. Because those communities used to be the outcasts, and that now they're the new kind of cool "uncool" kids, it's not the same thing as 20 years ago. There are trends, and looking/acting like a nerd/geek is one of them. I suppose this is why so many males have such a hard time accepting new females, or acknowledging that they might actually be more of a veteran. Because it used to be such an exclusive community, the kind where you need to know someone else in order to be part of it. It's like how most people think gamers are males, because it's how our sexist culture works - things for boys, things for girls. I am sorry if I offend anyone, but even if I wouldn't be a feminist, I would still get a bitter laugh at most of the responses here. Saying that you don't think there is any actual discrimination towards genders is simply being naive and ignorant. Refusing to see inequalities is the best way to perpetuate them. Everyone's allowed to their opinions, but it comes a time where you have to make a distinction between your personal opinion and actual facts and statistics. It's not because you haven't experienced it as a male that it doesn't exist or doesn't happen to females. Peace. Just quoting one of the most famous internet quotes: [i][b]Tits or GTFO![/b][/i]