[hr][center][h3][color=ed1c24][b]Fort Orello[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=0072bc]"At ease, Clean. She's one of your Academy mates, Ires wouldn't behave like you think she's. You'd better show her some respect the next time, though. Like it or not she's both your Sovereign and Commander,"[/color] the Captain said, placing a hand on Crispin's shoulder while drawing Viola with the other. [color=0072bc]"Either way, gather whatever belongings you want to bring with you to Orello and head for the Golden Sheep. I'll explain everything once we are there,"[/color] the Captain said as she left to round all of the remaining Cadets, including the most recent arrivals who came from Cadenza along with the Princess' escort as well as Natus, who was proving to be far more of a headache to keep track of than the Sonata thought when she picked the names of the Cadets to bring to this mission. Once everyone was reunited and ready, it was time to follow the Royal Orders and leave for an all-paid night. Hopefully no one would complain about it, right?[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center]A little while ago... Natus would find that his prowling around the fort would yeld a decent notion of its layout, including the locations of a few important installations —whose access he was denied to— like the armory, larder and the entrance to the underground dungeons. Along the areas where he could enter were the medical installations, the stables —given it's location, Orello still used sturdy mountain horses as primary means of transportation and work— and library. The trail of the Sergeant would end when he entered the other section of the fort's barracks. The commotion caused with the Princess' arrival would make any attempts of impossible, given that Orello soldiers swarmed their barracks, quickly running around to try and set things in place as fast as they could. The last thing that stood in this brief scouting, right before the Captain herself came to fetch Natus, was a large wagon that the Soldiers brought from outside, through one of the side gates. Even though it was covered with a tarp, the ferrous smell coming from it, along with the occasional drops of blood dripping from it. What Natus would make of these findings was up to his own judgment.[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZUuuTCz.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][h3][color=ed1c24][b]The Golden Sheep[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr]As the evening came and sun lazily hid behind the mountain peaks that encircled Orello Valley, the day gave in and the night sky soon wrapped the bountiful land under its starry blank. The Cadets found themselves finally gathered around a proper table, sharing the gift that was brought unto them by Princess Ires' generosity. If there was one thing real about the village of Orello was that its famous sheep and beer were truly fine quality items. In fact, the village's specialty which lend its name to this very same tavern was lamb, slowly roasted so that its juicy fat could permeate every fiber of the sheep's tender meat seasoned with generous amounts of stout beer sauce. The mere smell of which was enough to fill Viola's mouth with drool, as she waited for the main dish to arrive at the great feast table they all sat around. Even though such table was located at the tavern's second floor.[center][youtube]https://youtu.be/etc7m8184JM[/youtube][/center][color=0072bc]"Very well, then. I guess it's time to tell you all about this mission, Cadets,"[/color] the Captain said after drinking a full beer mug in one gulp and slamming it at the table to call for the Cadets' attention. Despite the feat, and the strength of the alcohol in question, Sonata didn't look tipsy at all as she did so. [color=0072bc]"First things first, I should introduce you to a few of your class mates that missed the chance to follow us in the initial part of the patrol, Cadets Cormier and Szeren. Thankfully, Ires was considerate enough to allocate them as part of her personal scout. And this one here —as some of you already know— is Viola, the poster child of Aquarian's Royal Guard, while we may not be related by blood, she's someone important to me. If possible, treat her as one of your own,"[/color] the Captain said, gesturing toward each of the girls she called for, before continuing, [color=0072bc]"This concludes the introductions."[/color] [color=0072bc]"The truth is that I have indeed kept Ires' plans a secret. Of course, I knew it all along. Nevertheless, I meant to surprise you, as a reward for your scores,"[/color] Sonata paced back and forth with arms crossed around her back as she continued her explanation. Her mannerism was pretty much the same as when she did any other lecture, though she evidently was much more laidback when off duty. [color=0072bc]"It's a shame that you couldn't take part in the festival, so I thought that have you take part in a live operation, joining a hunt patrol to take down an unknown dangerous monster that is driving the wildlife of Orello to attack humans was going to cheer you up. Ires came to review the fort personally, to be sure that it could contain the beast, in case it can be captured alive. She'll join the expedition as well, so yes... you all have been chosen to be the Imperial Princess' escort for this hunting mission, including Viola, who came as a representative of Aquaria."[/color][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xmC99Oh.png[/img][/center][color=0072bc]"The 'encounter' we had wasn't planned at all, obviously. After reporting to Orello's Commander, I have sent a message back to the High Command at Arpeggio. It's still highly classified. You may inform the others later, but none of this information can be discussed in the open. I have talked to Ires about it. She decided to use the expedition as bait to whomever is behind it, turning whatever traps they have may have planned on themselves,"[/color] The Captain finally stopped talking once the barmaids began to climb the stairs, who let a characteristic creak, bringing their order. [color=0072bc]"Anyway, Cadets, enjoy yourselves for the night. You have it free, so do whatever is it that you feel like doing but... don't go too wild. I'd hate to have to fill the paperwork to explain undue property damage. And,"[/color] Sonata said, raising, her mug which had been refilled by one of the tavern maids, [color=0072bc]"remember your favorite Captain, when you are choosing the name of any baby girls you make tonight, right?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Oh, Sis!"[/color] Viola shot up from her chair. Her face was beet red as she glared at the Captain, shocked that Sonata could ever do a joke such as that. [color=0072bc]"Just kidding, kiddos. If you do that I'll have even more paperwork to fill, after all!"[/color] the Captain said, taking a good laugh at Viola's expense, before silencing herself with another drink.