[hider=SweetElfAutumn] [color=45774d][center][h2]"Don't be predictable and don't be prey."[/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2456/5768789993_acfcda4d58_b.jpg[/img][/center] [center] Name: Demi Matsumoto Username: [color=84572e]SweetElfAutumn[/color] (Autumn for short) 22 years of age She is an Elf Class: Assassin LV 90 Subclass: Tracker LV 90 Guild: Used to be part of Floral Gambit, a guild based on hunting and oddly selling flowers alongside those drops. It was a fun guild to say the least. [/center] [hider=Bio] Family, a concept that demi understands greater then most due to concepts such as heritage and knowing her place is to being credit to the family name. Safe to say her parents weren't the nicest most apt at their job, they made her work tirelessly as soon as she could, and upon her 18th they made sure she landed her job working in finances in order to earn money for the family. The family made her pay money, it was a simple token of love they said. Safe to say she never really saw that, though her father did get a nice new [i]two seat[/i] car. Though it caused her great frustration, she simply couldn't go against her family. Maybe it was because of what they where or maybe it was due to the sense of loyalty she was instilled to have towards them but she feared telling them anything at all in fear of getting hit or worse. Regardless. It was after she managed to get a job and her own although cheap housing. She was able to play Elder Tale with a decent network connection (that seemed to shut down every time she cleared a raid). Considering that she played whenever she had free time. Time spent immersing herself in the online world in order to ignore the problems of her day to day life. It was safe to say that the catastrophe was initial was traumatising but then she realised. She was finally free of responsibility and free to continue playing the game she loved that she had granted her sanctuary from the world. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Autumn/Demi can be seen as an individual whom is calm and composed, She listens attentively to what people have to say and offers support in anyway she can with any issues they appear to be suffering with. Perhaps the easiest way to describe her is laid back, she takes no issue with peoples comments about her or about who asks her to join them. She just non-vocally gives them her best support. Usually falling silent at the communications part mostly because talking kinda breaks the whole stealth thing. At least that what she tries to make sure people see. She actually is quite the emotional individual whom takes out any frustrations she has on her opponents, perhaps that is why her combat style is brutally efficient, putting high emphasis on hit and run tactics, she is never usually within range to be countered. While this causes great frustration for her enemies and people she fights against call her cowardly for running away. She knows she can't risk taking a hit and as such never usually puts her self in the position to be hit by a melee user. She simple shoots, conceals, moves and then repeats, though if she does get hit she seems to act a little weird. Going more into her emotional side, she finds it hard to get somethings across without feeling like anything she does resulting in either hand waving due to her parentage or simple devaluing of her sense of self. So she doesn't try to show any emotions. Simply venting it by any means other then talking about it but she never vents it in front of others as that never goes well... at least when it was in front of her family. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [hider=Eternus Nacht] A bow dropped from, , Its main body is Polished Obsidian while the bowline appears to shimmer on observation. It is a bow that like the boss it dropped from represents the eerie calm that darkness can bring and how it can swiftly hide anything in its embrace. Some say you can still hear the eerie whispers of the fallen Nyx in the shadows, waiting to eventually reclaim her lost bow. Ingame wise, The bow serves as the perfect complimentary piece to a stealth or hate reduction strategy because while the user is out of the vision of an enemy or another player they begin to enter a State, Where they are effectively reconcealed, Movement is possible in this state, however it will still produce noise if possible. Secondly Attacking breaks concealment instantly, consuming the while also granting a 50% bonus to the inital hit, The secondary effect is what makes the weapon really shine as an engagement tool as well as a hit and run item. [/hider] [hider=Eulogy of Emptiness] A quiver filled with arrows embodying the nature of absence, notably the absence of sound or at least the deafening off. It is a drop from the stone sentinels guarding the access to the temple of the night goddess, Some say that these arrows seem to give off an almost unnatural eldritch chill because even if gripped it feels your holding nothing at all, though you are quite obviously gripping tightly upon the shaft of the arrow. Safe to say it takes getting used to after the catastrophe to actually hold the things without getting shivers. Ingame effects: The arrows when fired actually are much quieter on both flying and impact, not completely silent mind you but the effect is noticably different which is a nice touch. However the main effect of the arrows is that on hit they apply a 4 second silence effect, which is good for a assassin in order to quietly take down enemies as it renders them unable to cry out for help. [/hider] [hider=Blade of Misericorde] A side arm that Autumn has equipped purely for the execute that it gives that quick way to end a confrontation with a coup de' grace, fitting the assassination role perfectly. It is a production class item that she had received as a gift from the guild master for her having gone on a long kill streak without an issue. If used as a dagger, its essentially a production class Dagger. Ingame effect: Active: Executes a target with health equal to 15% or below. - Looks pretty [/hider] [hider=Cloak of Blood Rites] A comfortable cloak with a spooky name that for some reason never gets caught on anything. It is commonly worn by bandit shamans in order to empower them in their rituals through the secrecy the cloak gives, It is said to start clean when ownership is passed, only to become stained as the wearer kills more and more for either a noble or ignoble cause. Most people wear this otherwise useless cloak for the one benefit it gives. Ingame effects: Status effects do not show up on the targets model, instead htey still show up underneath the healthbar of the target although that would necessitate that they look at their status's consistantly, This type of ability is mainly useful against squads of enemies as other enemies will be unable to detect if another enemy has been debuffed through sight alone. [/hider] [hider=Anklets of the Wild Hunt] A phantasmal class item that can only be equipped if the user has an armour rating of 0, It is a rare drop from Cernunnos, Leader of the Hunt. It offers a few powerful benefits in order to make up for the large stat of vulnerability it places the wielder in. This is likely a way of the god rewarding those the devote themselves to him, and to the very nature of the hunt, hiding not behind plate or shield. Instead hunting like a true predator. Ingame effects Each time the owner hits an enemy they gain one stack of , These stacks have no cap, they cause damage to increase against a single target, if the target is changed then the stacks quickly drop back to zero and must be rebuilt anew. When the target is killed, it consumes all stacks and produces a buff for the user. This buff is short lived but it causes mana and health regeneration to be increased greatly for a short time. It also has the odd side effect of increasing the drop chances of enemies by a little bit as if a token of affection by the god of the hunt. The second effect is that while the user is concealed they have increased mana regeneration along with a which causes their first attack that breaks concealment to instantly generate 10 stacks of [/hider] [hider=Bracelets of Vigour] These bracelets are a relatively common drop from whom utilises a bow as efficiently as any close combat weapon, these bracelets let the holder reenact that type of ability by essentially guaranteeing a critical hit if an arrow is fired within a almost point blank proximity, to give the range a quantifiable amount, it is about a swords swing away from the target. These bracelets effectively allow Autumn to assassinate a target as well with her as with any knife. Ingame effect: Grants 100% critical chance at close range as well as a small boost in attack speed. [/hider] [/hider] [color=84572e][h3][center]Spells/Skills list[/center][/h3][/color] [hider=Canon] [hider=Assassinate] Assassin's key and last-resort skill, it is the strongest instantaneous damage ability among weapon-based attacking classes. Deals large damage to an enemy's body; furthermore, enemies usually are killed instantly if their levels are at least ten levels lower than the Assassin's. Since the strength of this skill increases with higher ranks, the Assassin can potentially outclass the firepower of others. If the attack lands, a white glow appears on screen surrounding the enemy, showing their silhouette falling if it is instant death. The ranged version of this resembles a lightning strike by numerous arrows. [/hider] [hider=Paralysing Blow] Attack by using a blade or arrow coated with paralysis poison. In addition to the increased damage during the duration of the effect, there is also a chance to paralyze the enemy, stopping the movements of the enemy. The weapon takes on a pale yellow glow when in use and when the attack hits it adds an effect like a running electric current. [/hider] [hider=Poison Fog] Skill that produces a poisonous green fog that deals damage in an area around the designated location. An unusual attack skill where you can designate location, it shows its true might in tight corridors and the like, but one must take care of the timing since it damages both enemies and allies. Skill rank affects the duration, power and range of area affected by the poison fog. For solo ranged Assassins, a tactic is to lure enemies to a location where Poison Fog has been set up in advance, and by using hit-and-run tactics, they make the enemy pass through it many times. This strategy, called "kiting," requires a wide space to use so it is usually used outdoors. [/hider] [hider=Silent Sniper] A Skill that silently marks an enemy without notifying them. By marking an enemy as the target, hit rate, critical rate, and damage towards them is increased for the duration of the effect. While it is a powerful supplementary skill that can change the outcome of a fight, it cannot be performed while moving and evasion rate is reduced. As a result, care must be taken when positioning. When in use, there is a target like the scope of a rifle locked onto the target. [/hider] [hider=Spark shot] Covers arrows in bluish-white electric shocks and fires them. The electric shocks split when it hits the target, giving minor damage to surrounding enemies. It is useful for cleaning up enemies that are grouped up together, however if you shoot without thinking, the enemies will rush in together as a group, so cooperation with a vanguard is needed [/hider] [hider=Rapid Shot] Continuous rapid-fire shooting. A skill with many practical uses: for example, it can deal large damage by concentrating on one target, or can attack multiple targets by scattering the shots. Generic skill for ranged Assassins. [i]Combos extremely well with the arrows for suppression fire[/i] [/hider] [hider=Atrophy Break] An attack with arrow or throwing knife aimed at the opponent's nerves. If it hits the target, the enemy is paralyzed for a few seconds, and the target's movement speed is reduced afterwards. The paralysis duration is short compared to other skills, but the movement speed reduction effect suits ranged Assassins that repeatedly "shoot and run". [/hider] [hider=Dark vision] Grants its user the ability to see, even without light source, a range determined by your level. However, it does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise -- invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still illusions. [/hider] [hider=Shake off] Throws something at the ground, creating a smoke screen to completely block the enemies line of sight for a short time. No matter how much hate was accumulated before that, the line of sight is obstructed during the duration of the effect, so by using it with movement skills right after, it is possible to use skills that raises damage with special attacks. This is a very powerful skill, so it comes with a 12 hour cooldown, it is necessary to think about what to do after using it before actually using it. [/hider] [hider=Peek a boo] Although hiding movements are a characteristic belonging to offensive jobs in particular it is possible for all 3 job types to do it with support abilities, when hidden by this skill it is more difficult for the enemy to detect you, also rate of Hate decrease is faster while hidden. There are many skills where the power of the skill is strengthened when the enemy doesn't notice you like Stealth Blade, so a style where you sneak up with Peek-a-boo to land a blow with a stealth reinforced skill was created. A shadow effect is applied to the character while hiding, and the motion changes to one of a lowered creeping posture as well. TLDR: Another way to enter concealment basically. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Non-Canon] [hider=Arrow Storm] A large AOE attack that involves firing a few arrows that quickly duplicate into a large hailstorm, because this skill does not deviate from friend or foe, it becomes only useful as an inital engage attack or as a last resort. [/hider] [hider=Scatter Shot] This skill involves the firing of a single arrow that embeds itself in an enemy before detonating into a shrapnel explosion dealing several dozen hits of low damage in an AOE. It is common used to gather a lot of hate in order to perform a kiting tactic. [/hider] [hider=Blazing Shot] A fire element arrow attack, that infuses the arrow with the element of fire before it is shot, It produces on hit burn damage over time. Dealing more damage against enemies used to cold climates, as well as enemies with more armour (cooking them on the inside) [/hider] [hider=Shattering Shot] A powerful armour shattering attack that inflicts an armour break status on the target. This is commonly used as before a follow up attack or if the hide is too tough to crack with the other skill alone. [/hider] [hider=Archer Mastery] This passive removes any movement restrictions when wielding the bow effectively decreasing the time to draw and undraw the bow, as well as reducing any movement slow from moving with the drawn bow. It also increases the accuracy of taking a shot while moving, while still not as high as a still shot, the difference is still very much noticeable. [/hider] [hider=Quickdraw] This a single active skill facilitates the Assassin completely removing any move lag and transitioning back into basic attacks. It helps to make the archers skills flow more cleanly while also comboing well with the ranged archers other passive ability. It has a 10 minute cooldown [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Subclass] [hider=Tracker Conceal] Grants another way to enter a concealed state, thus reducing hate and enemy vision, making you near invisible to the enemy in their line of sight. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]