[h1]Summary of events[/h1] The Sith have sacked Coruscant, captured a number of Jedi and have transported them to the planet Feena, where Darth Nyiss has a compound. The goal of the Sith in the service of the aforementioned Darth is to squeeze the prisoners for information, turn them to the Dark Side and make them serve the Empire, in some order. Around the same time, a group of Republic Special Forces troops led by Jedi Master Fa-Val-Kuul tracked down a lesser apprentice of Darth Nyiss and extracted the location of her Feena compound. They have since traveled there and seek to kill the Darth at (virtually) any cost. After the planet of Coruscant was returned to Republic control, Jedi Master Gar Halcorr investigated the ruins of the Jedi Temple and discovered that numerous Jedi had been captured. Calling in favors, he managed to track their whereabouts and gathered a team of fellow Jedi to rescue the captives before the Dark Side can claim them. [color=DD0000][b]Summary accurate as of:[/b] Feena Launch[/color]