Maxi… well, Maxi didn’t really look like he cared too much about the announcement. The disaster had been summed up as ‘Alliance bullshit’ (very specific, good job on that one Stryker), and the other mission was taking out an enemy and doing some relations talking bullshit. Remove the Federation stuff, replace it with Alliance stuff. Easy. From behind his glasses his expression looked incredibly unamused, but fortunately the eyewear allowed him to appear at least somewhat interested. His gaze flicked between the two others as some questions were asked and statements made- someone mentioned connections, which he only held brief interest in, and another asked about getting to know the locals. Along with the idea of steali- er, trading. Although he wasn’t a gambler, if there were any resources he could make use of, he’d love to get his hands on them. But that seemed more like an ‘investigate while there and not ask in advance’ kind of thing to him. Even though he didn’t have any questions himself, he did choose to remain seated with his breakfast to hear everyone speak. He wasn’t an advance based soldier- he was a medic. It would be his job to deal with the injuries as they occurred (and… well, not get shot), not to go in shooting every which way. It wasn’t like asking questions would stop people from getting shot in the fight.