Mind if I join in? [hider=Shade] [center][h3][color=purple]"Kehehehe, let's knock em dead!"[/color][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/80/95/8380952276c43579e34aa59e730598ca--gengar-art-pokemon-gengar.jpg[/img] [hr][/center] [b]Name[/b]:Shade [b]Species[/b]: Gengar [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Ability[/b]: Cursed Body [b]Moveset[/b]: [list][*]Shadow Ball [*]Dark Pulse [*]Shadow Punch [*]Sludge Bomb [/list] [b]History[/b]: shade has always been a weird sort of fellow, showing up to Valiant Village as a Haunter he never really liked to answer questions about where he's from. He might answer some questions, like the fact that he's old enough to have lived through the Second War or that he had experience battling. But the more concrete questions like "Where are you from?" he would either deflect with a joke, give a vague noncommittal answer along the lines of some graveyard or another, or flat out ignore the question and talk about whatever was on his mind at the time. At this point a betting pool has been created regarding just where Shade is from. What is known is that the moment he got into town he went out looking for the Adventurer's Guild and signed up without a doubt in his mind. He was an above average adventurer for sure, rising through the ranks faster than most, never sticking with one team. He eventually did form a team with an Deino and a Houndour, Drei and Lucius. They were the best of friends, they lived together, ate together, pranked random villagers together, but most importantly they would adventure together. They were the number one rookie team, tackling all sorts of missions and generally saving everyone they could. this went on for years, over time they reached their fully evolved forms and were a true force to be reckoned with within the Guild. Until one day they weren't. He doesn't like to talk about the mission, but one day he came back from a mission alone and with a strange necklace on. When someone asked if his team had died he just shook his head with a haunted look in his eyes. His first mission failure and he failed his team. For almost a month after that fateful day he locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to anyone and only opening the door whenever someone would bring him food. It was only when Luna got involved that he finally began to mend, only they know what happened to his team on that fateful day. She was able to get him to come out of the room once more, with a newfound strength in his eyes and a smile on his face. ever since then he's acted as a sort of mentor to younger pokemon, going out with them on their first mission or teaching new Ghosts some of his old moves. He's been a steady figure around the Guild and will likely stay that way for years to come, which is good considering the rising tension in the lands. even Shade is finding it hard to keep up his smile knowing that a war is on the loom. [b]Personality[/b]: Shade is a naturally light hearted fellow, smiling at all times and cracking jokes in conversation casually. Not to say they're good jokes, usually they're pretty terrible puns. But puns are better than the elaborate pranks he'll come up with when he's really bored, and he can get quite creative considering he's a Ghost type. When in battle he tries to keep his distance, using long range Sludge Bombs and Shadow Balls, however he's not opposed to duking it out fist to Shadow Fist. Tends to get very quiet whenever anyone brings up Mewtwo. [b]Important Items[/b]: Wears a necklace with a strange stone attached to it... [b]Notes[/b]: Shade is a shiny Pokemon, however others barely notice due to the minor color variance between regular Gengars and shiny ones. [/hider]