Clutching to her dress, a small group of maybe two or three young Aedis huddled behind Nymph, the girl's hair burnt and her battle outfit slashed. She was panting breathlessly, it evident she had been fighting for some time now due to the exhaustion in her eyes and the wounds bared on her skin. Her crystal was losing its vibrant blue color, as she swung her bident with a heavy blow at oncoming attackers. [color=lightblue]"Get back! Hyaa!"[/color] The blades glowed a gentle blue as out of nowhere a crescent of water slashed down at two soldiers, sharp as any sword. But, Nymph had been distracted. Another soldier had appeared at her side, knocking her to the floor so roughly the air escaped from her lungs. She could only helplessly reach out as the children were dragged away from her outstretched palm and killed with a final blow. Tears welled in her pretty blue eyes, anger rising behind them as she looked to the blade held precariously above her heart. [color=lightblue][i]Im sorry... my village, everyone. This is the end.[/i][/color] Her eyes squeezed shut with acceptance of her fate, in time to hear a clang of metal above her. Nymph's eyes shot open, staring in shock at the Aedis who had stopped the blade. He appeared to be a darkness elemental and had used the shadows created by the flames to appear just in time. Now he was locked blade to blade with the soldier who was just inches from killing Nymph a second before. Luca did not seem stressed at all. The dark haired male was confident, not breaking a sweat as his eyes pierced into the soldier, who was trembling in fear. [color=mediumpurple]"... If you cannot fight, then do not get in the way. I don't have time for weaklings like you who are scared to spill blood."[/color] The cold voice cut into Nymph, she wincing as the sound of Luca's sword cut through the man, accompanied by horrible screams. Luca grabbed her by the back of her neck like a sick puppy, tossing her onto her feet flippantly with an almost disgusted look. Nymph shuddered, unable to stop herself from staring at the bright purple crystal that had taken the place of the Aedis' left eye. [color=mediumpurple]"Are you deaf? I said get out of the way."[/color] Luca turned away sharply, taking off to fight another group of soldiers who had spotted him. Unlike Nymph, his attacks were merciless, a slaughtering if anything. Nymph backed up, still a bit shocked. [color=lightblue][i]I... i can't stand back! If it means I have to kill someone...[/i][/color] She bit her bottom lip, not wanting to think of it. Still, she spun away and went to defend what was left of the crumbling academy, putting out any fires she could on the way.