[center][h1]OoC Update[/h1][/center] Hullo again, folks! I appreciate those who have already submitted their CS's and am looking over them as they come in. The only role that doesn't have at least one character yet is the beastmaster, so I'll have to prioritize the approval of anyone who submits a character for that role. I was actually anticipating a majority of females of this roleplay, but the opposite has happened thus far; ergo, I'll also have to prioritize any female characters over male ones as (hopefully) more characters are submitted. Now, if you've already submitted a character, no worries! You can edit them as much as you like (approvals are still open, so I won't make decisions until I have enough submitted to fill the roles). Also note that you can submit multiple characters if you would like (though naturally, only one can be approved). I owe a lot of thanks to everyone who has submitted a character--these are great profiles and I can't wait to see more! This promises to be a fun story for all involved.