[CENTER][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/146547750937296896/327649340065710081/Mizumi.png[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT]Like a large lonely gorilla desperate for a single hug, Mizumi quickly drew her python-like arms around Lorken, wrapping them around the horned man in attempt to subdue him with a muscle bounded embrace. To her misfortune but not her surprise, Mizumi’s self-proclaimed wrestling-inspired plan was far from successful. Instead of two massive physiques being pressed against each other, Mizumi just got nothing but air. The sequence of events that had followed were well thought off and masterfully executed, but to Mizumi it was something far simpler and all happened in an instant. With her knees giving out, Mizumi was left in an unfavorable position. Her balance was messed up and body unsteady; the fact Lorken was going for her throat didn’t make the situation any better. Given everything that had just taken place, what could she do? It wasn’t like she had a lot of options. Falling? She didn’t have the finesse or agility to skillfully recover from that. The clawed hand heading straight for her throat? Mizumi wasn’t sure if she could fend it off. If the test was some kind of game, then it was just about time for Mizumi to make a clutch decision. She disregarded her forward fall and Lorken’s attack all together, and redirected her attention to one thing; landing a solid blow first. Given her size and the current length of her arms, Mizumi assumed that she’d have the advantage when it came to reach. Using the forward momentum of her fall, she swung her arm forward, aiming low, hoping to ram it straight towards anywhere between Lorken’s head and chest. As she let her arm loose, Mizumi instinctively winced and tilted her head forward, making her chin rest along the apex of her manubrium. During the last few moments before finding out whether she’d hit her mark or not, Mizumi took her eyes of her opponent and unconsciously tried to protect her neck. It wasn’t unexpected; she was a young girl who had zero to no experience when it came to fighting. Hesitating and fear weren’t unusual. However, would this lead to her entire plan failing? Chances point towards yes, but to sure, stick around and find out in the next update.[/INDENT]