[h2]Saber - Arturia Pendragon[/h2] The transport to a past time period did not affect the King of Knights. Rather, she was entirely unaffected, placing the tip of her invisible blade down and causing it to bite into the earth beneath her as she surveyed her surroundings. There was a distant hill... with a large gathering of skeletons upon it. Certainly, an army of animated skeletons was easy to assume to be the forces of an aggressive magus, and it was clear one of their comrades had felt the same way. Saber watched as a rain of arrows fell upon the hill, tearing through the skeletal warriors in a sudden flurry of violence before fading away. While in most cases a preemptive action on that scale could perhaps be too much, the nature of the targets and of their situation meant that a quick action seemed appropriate. Of course, that was not the only matter to be attended to. Her Master had leaned on her back to stay up, apparently rather ill-effected by the transport using the Kaleidoscope World Altar. She allowed herself to be leaned on until her Master was able to stabilize herself. "Do not worry, Bethany," the blonde girl said, glancing back at her Master with a small smile, "I am here to support you however I must. That is my duty as a knight." Turning to help steady her Master as she stepped away, hands on the other girl's shoulders, Saber's expression changed swiftly to a firm, serious look. "If there are any more of those skeletons," she began, "It is in our best interest that they are cleared as quickly as possible. Please remain here, and use a command seal to summon me immediately if you become placed in any danger." With that, Saber ensured her Master was indeed steady on her feet, then turned to face the hillside. Brilliant flashes of blue occurred across her body, replacing the outfit she was clad in with her familiar blue dress and armor. The King of Knights broke into a sprint immediately, crossing the distance to the hill with incredible speed. Indeed, as she suspected, some skeletons that had been just out of view lingered, Without a pause, she passed right through a group of three, her sword cutting one apart as she moved, bones scattering to the ground. Planting one foot down, ripping through dirt and grass as she did, she spun and immediately cut the other two in half before they could even respond to her appearance. [@Rin] [hr] [h2]Kobayakawa Yumi, Master of Berserker - Frankenstein's Monster[/h2] "... At least your work ethic is commendable, Berserker!" declared Yumi with a nod as her Servant took her place in front of her. To be perfectly frank, the transport to this new time and location had been severly disorienting for her. She'd never done well with riding in any vehicles and preferred other methods of transport whenever possible, but this was on an entirely different scale. Her whole world was spinning, but she was doing her best not to show it. She was a magus of the Kobayakawa Family, she wouldn't fail that name so easily just because of some travel fatigue! "We need to get over there as quickly as possible Be... Berserker..." swaying weakly, the small girl found she could no longer help it, stumbling and colliding with her Servant's back in a desperate bit to remain upright. She couldn't show any weakness... but she already had, hadn't she? She was struggling to recover from that terrible throbbing sensation in her mind...