Still staring at her D-Scanner, it took Violet quite a while before she registered Makoto's question. "[color=6ecff6]The writer, the character, or the hacker?[/color]" She thought for a moment, putting her digitama to the back of her mind. "[color=6ecff6]There's a writer by that alias who made a fairly popular digimon comic in America. Of course there's the character from the 'Tamers' manga, and given the newfound existence of actual digimon, I wouldn't totally rule out the possibility of a fictional character suddenly sending people emails. Then there's the hacker who leaks a lot of information from D-Connect. Theories range from it being the 'Best Tamer' M to it being Mr. Kuroda. The idea that it's a stealthy way for D-Connect to leak information they want leaked is fairly plausible, as is the idea that it's someone from some government trying to undermine D-Connect, even more so if they knew about the existence of Digimon before now. I used to think it was most likely an automated program someone made to gather information on D-Connect's coding languages and systems. [i]Now,[/i] though, the possibility of it being a digimon or even Yggdrasil seems plausible.[/color]" She went back to focusing on the egg in front of her.