[center][h2][color=00aeef]Rouges[/color] [color=f7941d]The Heat[/color][/h2][/center] As we drove past people scrambling for cover with their kids, family members, or lovers, I noticed Gaz' large smile on his face." Man! I always wanted to do this!" He yelled as we drove threw a store, with one of the cars behind us attempting to do the same but smashing into the walls of the store and crashing. The second hover car lowered it's passenger window and a long laser rifle leaned out the window and started firing at us, with one of the shots hitting the joints holding the sidecar. The smell of burning metal hit my nose before I ended up turning off away from Gaz and tumbled off on my own, I slid across the ground before jumping from the death trap as it spun and flipped into a kiosk, I landed on my chest and as slowly pulled myself from the floor I held my breast holding back a swear as Gaz doubled back and stopped next to me." Quit playing with yourself, now's not the time!" He yelled before a bright red beam of light narrowly dodged his head. I jumped on the back of the bike and held onto his waist as we sped off, as we past a giant fountain in the mall, I felt a burning feeling in my lower back and tightened my grip on Gaz, one of their shots hit me in the back. Right now I was really wishing I had my suit of burly armor, while I was bear hugging Gaz's guts out of him, he looked back to me groaning." Hey Ash, why don't you grab my gun from my jacket and shoot them back?" Digging through his hoodie, I felt the handle of the pistol and quickly yanked it out of his holster, I turned my body back to the driver and the shooter, the sensitive trigger on the gun made me fire my first shot without aiming properly and cracking the front windshield, I fired a couple more rounds at the windshield, hitting the driver and making the car crash into a computer kiosk." Alright let's get the hell out of here before the cops come." I told him. After Gaz drove us through a set of glass doors and got us back out onto the street, I felt something vibrate and music began playing out of nowhere, then I remembered Gaz' Codex, I took the odd looking device from my back pocket and the moment I tried to answer it, Gaz took it from me and answered it at a red light." Hello who is it?" He asked. I leaned in close to Gaz to hear the conversation." This is Gaz right?" An apathetic voice asked. " No, I'm John Mclane and I'm trapped in a high rise, Of course I'm Gaz." He answered." Who are you? How'd you get my Net-link code?" " I'm Simo, we both have a mutual friend, your grandmother or Granny really, she gave me the code. Listen the contract placed on you is a fake, it's too high to actually be real, and if it was you'd probably be dead before waking up this morning." As the light changed green and traffic began passing us, Gaz asked him another question." So you're telling me it's just a prank bro?" " I guess if that's what you're gonna call it, listen survive the day and I'll look into this to help you out, I'd hate to lose a chance to get some good work Gaz." When the conversation ended Gaz placed the Codex back into his jacket, he sighed before we took off from the scene as a trail of police cars began heading past us and to the mall." So are we heading back to the hideout?" I asked him. " Nope, and we can't take the Intercepter to get off planet either, if we go back to the hideout then the place is compromised and we'll have to move everything probably during a long gun fight." He sighed." We can't take the Intercept because it will get ID'ed before we even get into space and have a trail of Peace Keepers on us. Fuck!" As we drove into a neighborhood, I began noticing some streets blocked off with hard light beam barriers, and even the small one way streets were blocked off, with nobody in the street doing anything or anyone on the sidewalks, walking by, I slowly began to see that we were riding into a trap and the moment I tried to tell Gaz, he told me."I know, but is it for us or them?" We were guided by the blocked off streets, right into a large hover truck parked blocking both sides of the street, we stopped in the middle of the street and the moment we turned around we were surrounded by a trio of Robots. They had oddly shaped round heads, their bodies were sleek but also somewhat bulky looking, the one in the center had a cobalt trim to his paint job, while the other two had a dim gray looking color." Hmm. Observation: The Meat bag has trapped himself with a cohort. A Myr female, height sixty seven inches, weight... Overweight." I flipped off the robot before it began speaking a second time." Query: Meat bags, did you corner yourselves in a failed attempt to fight us face to face? It would be foolish." It raised a an energy rifle I've never seen before in my life. I put my chin on Gaz's shoulder asking him who these robots were as the trio, suddenly began talking with one another." These are assassin robots, they only kill who their target they are programmed to kill, they are armed with some badass black light laser rifles, stuff that would cook us alive before killing us." Gaz revved the engine on the bike and the assassin robot aimed his rifle at him. "Threaten: Do not move Meat bag!" It ordered, it's head moved from side to side before it blurted out." Threat detected, several armed organics in the area, scans say they are hos-" The Assassin robot could barely finish as a beam of heated plasma slammed into its chest, and threw it onto the ground, out of nowhere another trio of fully armored warriors flew over the truck with Jet packs strapped onto the back of their armor, with one of them holding the smoking gun, their armor was similar to the Ranger's from the bank heist we did a while back, but theirs was gray color, and everyone one of them had a small cape sticking out the shoulder pad of their armor. "Damn, I'm really split down the middle here, either fulfill the contract or see how well these robots handle an Outlaw throw down, what do you guys think?" He asked his teammates. " I've been looking for a fight ever since we got off the ship, these bots will do." A female one answered. " Never fought against a droid that went against the robotic laws, I wanna see how I do. We can always catch up to the mark." I was puzzled to see how quickly, the new group of bounty hunters went from hunting Gaz to fighting against the droids in an odd way."Even when they aren't in the military, these guys still thrive for a tough battle, never thought that would save my ass." Gaz breathed out loud. The bounty hunter standing in the center of the group looked back to us, the glass of his visor glowing a golden color." Well, I'd take our choice to be a good chance to run mark, wouldn't want to catch a stray bullet or some plasma right?" He cackled under his helmet. Gaz took us right past them and the assassin robots, with one of them trying to grab at us, only to get its hand shot by one of the bounty hunters, the two of us ducked under a hard light barrier and rounded a corner. In the split second we rounded it, there was a silver haired Cat woman, she was wearing a jet blue duster with lightning bolts on it, aside from her coat, she looked like she could be someone's mother with curves like hers. The Kaithrit woman drew an odd looking a bulky looking gun from her hip and blasted both of us before Gaz could turn away, the gun didn't fire a bullet or a laser at us, but it fired a long stream of electricity at the two of us, I felt the tingling of the electricity and ended up pulling Gaz off the motorcycle as we both tumbled into the street rolled nearly face first into a curb.